This portion of the website provides brief descriptions
of software and computer models that are useful in impacts,
adaptation, and vulnerability assessments. Sections cover
climate, agricultural, water resource, and ecosystem software
tools. Note that this page does not include software tools
such as geographic information systems, data management,
data analysis and statistical software packages, which are
being utilized across the AIACC projects.
Simple Climate Models and Data Analysis Tools |
http://iri.columbia.edu/outreach/training/climlab2000/ CLIMLAB 2000 was developed in conjunction with International
Research Institute for Climate Prediction’s Training
Courses. It is a tool that can be used to perform statistical
analysis, data management (i.e. compute anomalies, seasonal
values, etc.) display data and results (x-y plots, time
series, histograms, contour plots, etc.), and compute
more complex statistical analysis on climate data. A
database of global sea surface temperatures is included
with the software, along with instructions on how users
can add their own datasets.
MAGICC – Model for the Assessment of Greenhouse-gas
Induced Climate Change
MAGICC is a set of linked simple models that, collectively,
fall in the genre of a simple climate model. MAGICC is
not a General Circulation Model (GCM), but it uses a
series of reduced-form models to emulate the behavior
of fully three-dimensional, dynamic GCMs. MAGICC calculates
the annual-mean global surface air temperature and global-mean
sea-level implications of emissions scenarios for greenhouse
gases and sulfur dioxide. Users are able to choose which
emissions scenarios to use, or to define their own, and
also to alter a number of model parameters to explore
uncertainty. The model has been widely used by the IPCC
in their various assessments.
SCENGEN – Global and Regional SCENario GENerator
SCENGEN, a global and regional scenario generator, is
not a climate model; rather it is a simple database that
contains the results of a large number of GCM experiments,
as well as one observed global and four regional climate
data sets. These various data fields are manipulated
by SCENGEN, using the information about the rate and
magnitude of global warming supplied by MAGICC and directed
by the users choice of important climate scenario characteristics.
SCENGEN has been developed over a number of years to
operate in conjunction with MAGICC, but can be used on
its own in a more limited function. SCENGEN has not been
officially used by the IPCC, but nearly all of the data
sets used by SCENGEN GCMs and observations have been
used or assessed in different IPCC assessments including
the Third Assessment Report due to be published in 2001.
Agricultural Models |
Crop Production
APSIM – Agricultural Production Systems sIMulator.
APSIM is a model that simulates agricultural production
systems. It has the ability to integrate models derived
in fragmented research efforts. This enables research from
one discipline or domain to be transported to the benefit
of some other discipline or domain. It also facilitates
comparison of models or sub-models on a common platform.
This functionality has been achieved via the implementation
of a "plug-in-pull-out" approach to APSIM design.
APSIM has been developed in a way that allows the user
to configure a model by choosing a set of sub-models from
a suite of crop, soil and utility modules. Any logical
combination of modules can be simply specified by the user "plugging-in" required
modules and "pulling out" any modules no longer
DSSAT – Decision Support System for Agrotechnology
DSSAT (pronounced “DEEsat”) is a microcomputer
software program combining crop soil and weather databases
and programs to manage them, with crop models and application
programs, to simulate multi-year outcomes of crop management
strategies. As a software package integrating the effects
of soil, crop phenotype, weather and management options,
DSSAT allows users to ask "what if" questions
and simulate results by conducting – in minutes on
a desktop computer – experiments which would consume
a significant part of an agronomist's career. DSSAT also
provides for validation of crop model outputs; thus allowing
users to compare simulated outcomes with observed results.
Crop model validation is accomplished by inputting the
user's minimum data set, running the model, and comparing
outputs. By simulating probable outcomes of crop management
strategies, DSSAT offers users information with which to
rapidly appraise new crops, products, and practices for
EPIC – Erosion Productivity Impact Calculator
EPIC is designed to quantify the costs of soil erosion
and benefits of soil erosion research and control. EPIC
is designed to be: capable of simulating the relevant biophysical
processes simultaneously, as well as realistically, using
readily available inputs and, where possible, accepted
methodologies; capable of simulating cropping systems for
hundreds of years because erosion can be a relatively slow
process; applicable to a wide range of soils, climates
and crops; and efficient, convenient to use, and capable
of simulating the particular effects of management on soil
erosion and productivity in specific environments. The
model uses a daily time step to simulate weather, hydrology,
soil temperature, erosion-sedimentation, nutrient cycling,
tillage, crop management and growth, pesticide and nutrient
movement with water and sediment, and field-scale costs
and returns.
http://www.alterra.nl/english/default.asp (click on “Products
and Publications” à “Models” à “WOFOST”)
WOFOST simulates the daily growth of a specific crop,
given the selected weather and soil data. For each simulation,
you select specific boundary conditions, which comprise:
the crop calendar and the soil's water and nutrient status.
WOFOST follows the hierarchical distinction between potential
and limited production. Light interception and CO2 assimilation
are the growth driving processes, and crop phenological
development the growth controlling process. WOFOST helps
you: estimate crop production; indicate yield variability;
evaluate effects of climate changes or soil fertility changes;
and determine limiting biophysical factors.
Water Modeling for Crops
ACRU – Agrohydrological Model of the Agricultural
Catchments Research Unit
The ACRU model has its hydrological origins in a distributed
catchment evapotranspiration based study carried out in
the Natal Drakensberg, South Africa, in the early 1970s.
Multi-layer soil water budgeting is accomplished by partitioning
and redistribution of soil water. Rainfall or irrigation
not abstracted as interception or as stormflow (either
rapid response or delayed), first enters through the surface
layer and "resides" in the topsoil horizon. When
that is "filled" to beyond its drained upper
limit (field capacity) the "excess" water percolates
into the subsoil horizon(s) as saturated drainage at a
rate dependent on respective horizon soil textural characteristics,
wetness and other drainage related properties. Should the
soil water content of the bottom subsoil horizon of the
plant root zone exceed the drained upper limit, saturated
vertical drainage/recharge into the intermediate and eventually
groundwater stores occurs, from which baseflow may be generated.
Unsaturated soil water redistribution, both upwards and
downwards, also occurs but at a rate considerably slower
than the water movement under saturated conditions, and
is dependent, inter alia, on the relative wetnesses of
adjacent soil horizons in the root zone. Evaporation takes
place from previously intercepted water as well as simultaneously
from the various soil horizons, in which case it is either
split into separate components of soil water evaporation
(from the topsoil horizon only) and plant transpiration
(from all horizons in the root zone), or combined, as total
evaporation. Evaporative demand on the plant is estimated,
inter alia, according to atmospheric demand (through a
reference potential evaporation) and the plant's stage
of growth. The roots absorb soil water in proportion to
the distributions of root mass density of the respective
horizons, except when conditions of low soil water content
prevail, in which case the relatively wetter horizons provide
higher proportions of soil water to the plant in order
to obviate plant stress as long as possible.
CROPWAT is meant as a practical tool to help agro-meteorologists,
agronomists and irrigation engineers to carry out standard
calculations for evapotranspiration and crop water use
studies, and more specifically the design and management
of irrigation schemes. It allows the development of recommendations
for improved irrigation practices, the planning of irrigation
schedules under varying water supply conditions, and the
assessment of production under rainfed conditions or deficit
irrigation. Typical applications of the water balance include
the development of irrigation schedules for various crops
and various irrigation methods, the evaluation of irrigation
practices, as well as rainfed production and drought effects.
Calculations of crop water requirements and irrigation
requirements are carried out with inputs of climatic and
crop data.
PTF – Pedo-Transfer Function
PTF is a simple tool that converts easily obtainable soil
data like texture and organic matter into the soil hydraulic
functions (pF and Kh cuves) often required for modeling.
SWAP – Soil, Water, Atmosphere and Plant model
http://www.alterra.nl/english/default.asp (click on “Products
and Publications” à “Models” à “SWAP”)
SWAP (Soil, Water, Atmosphere and Plant) simulates vertical
transport of water, solutes and heat in unsaturated/saturated
soils. The program is designed to simulate the transport
processes at field scale level and during entire growing
seasons. Basic, daily meteorological data are used to calculate
daily, potential evaporation according to Penman-Monteith.
If basic meteorological data are not available, potential
evaporation or reference evaporation can be input. Precipitation
may be provided either at a daily basis or at actual intensities.
Short-term rainfall data allow the calculation of runoff
and preferential flow. Crop growth is simulated by the
code WOFOST 6.0 (see separate entry).
Water Resources Modeling |
PODIUM – Policy Dialogue Model
http://www.iwmi.cgiar.org/tools/podium.htm PODIUM runs on a personal computer. Policy makers and
planners can learn to use it in minutes, to explore vital
questions such as: Can we feed ourselves in 2025? and
Do we have enough water to irrigate the crops needed
to ensure future national food supply and/or food security?
The model maps the complex relationships between the
numerous factors that affect water and food security,
and displays information clearly, in both graphic and
tabular formats. Projections for 2025 are determined
in relation to 1995 data. Users can revise this data
and change any of the variables used by the model.
SWAT – Soil & Water Assessment Tool
SWAT is a river basin scale model developed to quantify
the impact of land management practices in large, complex
watersheds. The model includes the following components:
weather, surface runoff, return flow, percolation, ET,
transmission losses, pond & reservoir storage, crop
growth & irrigation, groundwater flow, reach routing,
nutrient & pesticide loading, water transfer. It
includes the following features: daily time step-long
term simulations; basins subdivided to account for differences
in soils, land use, crops, topography, weather, etc.;
basins of several thousand square miles can be studied;
soil profile can be divided into ten layers; basin subdivided
into sub-basins or grid cells; reach routing command
language to route and add flows; hundreds of cells/subbasins
can be simulated in spatially displayed outputs; groundwater
flow model; SWAT accepts measured data & point sources;
and Windows interface.
Water Accounting for Integrated Water Management
The International Water Management Institute’s
Water Accounting system provides a clear view of water
resources in at the river basin scale – where water
is going, how it's being used, and how much remains available
for further use. Policy makers, planners and resource
managers can use this information to: identify opportunities
for saving water and/or increasing water productivity;
conceptualize and test interventions in the context of
multiple uses of water; develop effective strategies
for allocating water among different users; and assess
the scope for the development of additional water resources.
VIC – Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) Macroscale
Hydrologic Model
VIC is a macroscale hydrologic model that solves full
water and energy balances. It is a research model and
in it's various forms it has been applied to many watersheds
including the Columbia River, the Ohio River, the Arkansas-Red
Rivers, and the Upper Mississippi Rivers, as well as
being applied globally.
Ecosystem Models
The CENTURY model is a general model of plant-soil nutrient
cycling which has been used to simulate carbon and nutrient
dynamics for different types of ecosystems including
grasslands, agricultural lands, forests and savannas.
CENTURY is composed of a soil organic matter/decomposition
sub-model, a water budget model, a grassland/crop sub-model,
a forest production sub-model, and management and events
scheduling functions. It computes the flow of carbon,
nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur through the model's
compartments. The minimum configuration of elements is
C and N for all the model compartments. The organic matter
structure for C, N, P and S are identical, the inorganic
components are computed for the specific inorganic compound.
CLUE – Changing Land Use and Estuaries
CLUE is a tool to foster better understanding of the
linkages between man's activities on land and the functioning
of coastal ecosystems, and is not intended to provide
hard and fast answers regarding the consequences of land-use
decisions. All biological systems and their component
parts are inherently variable and highly interactive.
Science strives to see the patterns hidden within the
profusion of detail that nature offers, recognizing that
its conclusions must be approximations of the truth.
Funding for the AIACC
Data, Methods & Synthesis Activity website is
provided by the U.S. Agency for International Development
(USAID). The opinions
expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily
reflect the views of USAID. The site is designed
hosted by SEDAC.
Copyright© 2004 The Trustees of Columbia
University in the City of New York. |