CHUID SHUID Collection Title Set Title Themes & Ranks
acrp acrp-boundary-1992 Archive of Census Related Products (ACRP) Boundary Files, v1 (1980 – 1992) infrastructure: 4
population: 4
acrp acrp-census-block-stats-1990 Archive of Census Related Products (ACRP) Census Block Statistics, v1 (1990) population: 4
acrp acrp-enhanced-migration-1990 Archive of Census Related Products (ACRP) Enhanced Migration Files, v1 (1985 – 1990) population: 4
acrp acrp-public-use-microdata-sample-areas-boundary-1990 Archive of Census Related Products (ACRP) Public Use Microdata Sample Areas (PUMA) Boundary Files, v1 (1990) infrastructure: 4
population: 4
acrp acrp-public-use-microdata-samples Archive of Census Related Products (ACRP) Public Use Microdata Samples (PUMS), v1 (1940 – 1990) population: 5
acrp acrp-sas-transport-1980 Archive of Census Related Products (ACRP) SAS Transport Files, v1 (1980) population: 4
acrp acrp-sas-transport-1990 Archive of Census Related Products (ACRP) SAS Transport Files, v1 (1990) population: 4
acrp acrp-standard-extract-1990 Archive of Census Related Products (ACRP) Standard Extract Files, v1 (1990) population: 4
acrp acrp-street-intersections-1990 Archive of Census Related Products (ACRP) Street Intersections, v1 (1990) population: 4
acrp acrp-summary-tape-file-stf1b-1990 Archive of Census Related Products (ACRP) Summary Tape File (STF1B), v1 (1990) population: 4
acrp acrp-zip-code-equivalency-1990 Archive of Census Related Products (ACRP) ZIP Code Equivalency Files, v1 (1990) population: 4
aglands aglands-croplands-2000 Global Agricultural Lands Croplands, v1 (2000) agriculture: 1
land-use: 1
remote-sensing: 2
water: 4
aglands aglands-pastures-2000 Global Agricultural Lands Pastures, v1 (2000) agriculture: 1
land-use: 1
remote-sensing: 2
anthromes anthromes-anthropogenic-biomes-world-v1 Anthropogenic Biomes Anthropogenic Biomes of the World, v1 (2001 – 2006) conservation: 1
land-use: 1
remote-sensing: 1
sustainability: 1
anthromes anthromes-anthropogenic-biomes-world-v2-1700 Anthropogenic Biomes Anthropogenic Biomes of the World, v2 (1700) conservation: 1
land-use: 1
remote-sensing: 1
sustainability: 1
anthromes anthromes-anthropogenic-biomes-world-v2-1800 Anthropogenic Biomes Anthropogenic Biomes of the World, v2 (1800) conservation: 1
land-use: 1
remote-sensing: 1
sustainability: 1
anthromes anthromes-anthropogenic-biomes-world-v2-1900 Anthropogenic Biomes Anthropogenic Biomes of the World, v2 (1900) conservation: 1
land-use: 1
remote-sensing: 1
sustainability: 1
anthromes anthromes-anthropogenic-biomes-world-v2-2000 Anthropogenic Biomes Anthropogenic Biomes of the World, v2 (2000) conservation: 1
land-use: 1
remote-sensing: 1
sustainability: 1
aqdh aqdh-country-trends-major-air-pollutants-2003-2018 Air Quality Data for Health-Related Applications Country Trends in Major Air Pollutants, v1 (2003 – 2018) sustainability: 2
health: 1
remote-sensing: 1
urban: 2
aqdh aqdh-no2-concentrations-contiguous-us-1-km-2000-2016 Air Quality Data for Health-Related Applications Daily and Annual NO2 Concentrations for the Contiguous United States, 1-km Grids, v1 (2000 – 2016) health: 1
aqdh aqdh-no2-concentrations-contiguous-us-1-km-v1-10-2000-2016 Air Quality Data for Health-Related Applications Daily and Annual NO2 Concentrations for the Contiguous United States, 1-km Grids, v1.10 (2000 – 2016) health: 1
aqdh aqdh-o3-concentrations-contiguous-us-1-km-2000-2016 Air Quality Data for Health-Related Applications Daily 8-Hour Maximum and Annual O3 Concentrations for the Contiguous United States, 1-km Grids, v1 (2000 – 2016) health: 1
aqdh aqdh-o3-concentrations-contiguous-us-1-km-v1-10-2000-2016 Air Quality Data for Health-Related Applications Daily 8-Hour Maximum and Annual O3 Concentrations for the Contiguous United States, 1-km Grids, v1.10 (2000 – 2016) health: 1
aqdh aqdh-pm2-5-component-ec-nh4-no3-oc-so4-50m-1km-contiguous-us-2000-2019 Air Quality Data for Health-Related Applications Annual Mean PM2.5 Components (EC, NH4, NO3, OC, SO4) 50m Urban and 1km Non-Urban Area Grids for Contiguous U.S., v1 (2000 – 2019) health: 1
aqdh aqdh-pm2-5-component-trace-elements-50m-1km-contiguous-us-2000-2019 Air Quality Data for Health-Related Applications Annual Mean PM2.5 Components Trace Elements (TEs) 50m Urban and 1km Non-Urban Area Grids for Contiguous U.S., v1 (2000 – 2019) health: 1
aqdh aqdh-pm2-5-concentrations-contiguous-us-1-km-2000-2016 Air Quality Data for Health-Related Applications Daily and Annual PM2.5 Concentrations for the Contiguous United States, 1-km Grids, v1 (2000 – 2016) health: 1
aqdh aqdh-pm2-5-concentrations-contiguous-us-1-km-v1-10-2000-2016 Air Quality Data for Health-Related Applications Daily and Annual PM2.5 Concentrations for the Contiguous United States, 1-km Grids, v1.10 (2000 – 2016) health: 1
aqdh aqdh-pm2-5-o3-no2-concentrations-zipcode-contiguous-us-2000-2016 Air Quality Data for Health-Related Applications Daily and Annual PM2.5, O3, and NO2 Concentrations at ZIP Codes for the Contiguous U.S., v1 (2000 – 2016) health: 1
sustainability: 2
urban: 1
cddc cddc-china-admin-regions-gis-1990 China Dimensions China Administrative Regions GIS Data 1:1M, County Level, v1.01 (1990) infrastructure: 3
cddc cddc-china-admin-regions-gis-july-1990 China Dimensions China Administrative Regions GIS Data: 1:1M, County Level, v1 (1990) infrastructure: 3
cddc cddc-china-agricultural-stats-1949-1990 China Dimensions Agricultural Statistics of the People's Republic of China, v1 (1949 – 1990) agriculture: 3
cddc cddc-china-bibliography-admin-geography China Dimensions Bibliography of Chinese Administrative Geography, v1 (1949 – 1996) infrastructure: 4
cddc cddc-china-dcw-gis China Dimensions Fundamental GIS Digital Chart of China, 1:1M, v1 (1993) infrastructure: 4
cddc cddc-china-guobiao-codes-admin-divisions China Dimensions GuoBiao (GB) Codes for the Administrative Divisions of the Peoples Republic of China, v1 (1982 – 1992) infrastructure: 4
cddc cddc-china-hospitals-epidemiology-stations-1950-1985 China Dimensions Chinese County-Level Data on Hospitals and Epidemiology Stations, v1 (1950 – 1985) health: 4
cddc cddc-china-maps-bibliographic-db China Dimensions China Maps Bibliographic Database, v1 (1765 – 1994) infrastructure: 3
land-use: 3
cddc cddc-china-population-census-and-agriculture China Dimensions China County-Level Data on Population (Census) and Agriculture, Keyed to 1:1M GIS Map, v1 (1985 – 1990) agriculture: 5
population: 5
cddc cddc-china-priority-program-of-agenda-21 China Dimensions Priority Programme for China's Agenda 21, v1 (1993) governance: 3
sustainability: 3
cddc cddc-china-provincial-economic-yearbooks China Dimensions China County-Level Data from Provincial Economic Yearbooks, Keyed to 1:1M GIS Map, v1 (1990 – 1991) infrastructure: 5
cesic cesic-ancillary-data Compendium of Environmental Sustainability Indicators Ancillary Data, v1 (1990 – 2005) sustainability: 5
cesic cesic-complete-collection-v1-1 Compendium of Environmental Sustainability Indicators Complete Collection, v1.01 (1973 – 2005) agriculture: 4
climate: 2
conservation: 2
governance: 3
hazards: 3
health: 2
marine-and-coastal: 3
population: 5
sustainability: 2
water: 2
cesic cesic-environmental-vulnerability-index-2004 Compendium of Environmental Sustainability Indicators Environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI), 2004 Release (1973 – 2003) climate: 3
hazards: 3
cesic cesic-national-footprint-accounts-2006 Compendium of Environmental Sustainability Indicators National Footprint Accounts, 2006 Release (2003) sustainability: 3
cesic cesic-rio-to-johannesburg-development-indicators Compendium of Environmental Sustainability Indicators Rio to Johannesburg Dashboard of Sustainable Indicators, v1 (1990 – 2000) sustainability: 3
cesic cesic-wellbeing-of-nations Compendium of Environmental Sustainability Indicators The Wellbeing of Nations, v1 (1990 – 2000) marine-and-coastal: 4
sustainability: 3
climmig climmig-groundswell-africa-pop-mig-proj-1-8-ssps-rcps-2010-2050 Climate Migration Groundswell Africa Spatial Population and Migration Projections at One-Eighth Degree According to SSPs and RCPs, v1 (2010 – 2050) climate: 1
marine-and-coastal: 1
population: 3
sustainability: 2
water: 2
climmig climmig-groundswell-pop-mig-proj-1-8-ssps-rcps-2010-2050 Climate Migration Groundswell Spatial Population and Migration Projections at One-Eighth Degree According to SSPs and RCPs, v1 (2010 – 2050) climate: 1
marine-and-coastal: 1
population: 3
sustainability: 2
water: 2
crop-climate crop-climate-effects-climate-global-food-production Climate Effects on Food Supply Effects of Climate Change on Global Food Production from SRES Emissions and Socioeconomic Scenarios, v1 (1970 – 2080) climate: 1
health: 2
sustainability: 2
agriculture: 2
crop-climate crop-climate-potential-impacts-world-food-supply Climate Effects on Food Supply Potential Impacts of Climate Change on World Food Supply, v1 (1995 – 2110) agriculture: 3
climate: 3
crv crv-us-climate-risk-proj-county-2040-2049 Climate Risk and Vulnerability U.S. Climate Risk Projections by County, v1 (2040 – 2049) hazards: 1
sustainability: 4
climate: 1
dedc dedc-ace-v2 Digital Elevation Data Collection Altimeter Corrected Elevations (ACE2), v2 (1994 – 2005) climate: 3
energy energy-pop-exposure-nuclear-plants-country Energy Infrastructure Population Exposure Estimates in Proximity to Nuclear Power Plants, Country-Level Aggregates, v1 (1990, 2000, 2010) hazards: 1
infrastructure: 1
population: 1
energy energy-pop-exposure-nuclear-plants-locations Energy Infrastructure Population Exposure Estimates in Proximity to Nuclear Power Plants, Locations, v1 (1956 – 2012) hazards: 1
infrastructure: 1
population: 1
epi epi-environmental-performance-index-2008 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) Environmental Performance Index, 2008 Release (1994 – 2007) agriculture: 2
health: 2
marine-and-coastal: 2
climate: 5
conservation: 5
governance: 5
sustainability: 5
epi epi-environmental-performance-index-2010 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) Environmental Performance Index, 2010 Release (1994 – 2009) agriculture: 2
climate: 5
conservation: 5
governance: 5
health: 2
marine-and-coastal: 2
sustainability: 5
water: 2
epi epi-environmental-performance-index-2014 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) Environmental Performance Index, 2014 Release (2002 – 2014) agriculture: 2
climate: 3
conservation: 2
governance: 3
health: 2
marine-and-coastal: 2
sustainability: 1
water: 2
epi epi-environmental-performance-index-2016 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) Environmental Performance Index, 2016 Release (1950 – 2016) agriculture: 2
climate: 3
conservation: 2
governance: 3
health: 2
marine-and-coastal: 2
sustainability: 1
water: 2
epi epi-environmental-performance-index-2018 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) Environmental Performance Index, 2018 Release (1950 – 2018) agriculture: 2
climate: 3
conservation: 2
governance: 3
health: 2
marine-and-coastal: 2
sustainability: 1
water: 2
epi epi-environmental-performance-index-2020 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) Environmental Performance Index, 2020 Release (1950 – 2020) agriculture: 2
climate: 3
conservation: 2
governance: 3
health: 2
marine-and-coastal: 2
sustainability: 1
water: 2
epi epi-environmental-performance-index-2022 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) Environmental Performance Index, 2022 Release (1950 – 2022) agriculture: 2
climate: 3
conservation: 2
governance: 3
health: 2
marine-and-coastal: 2
sustainability: 1
water: 2
epi epi-environmental-performance-index-pilot-trend-2012 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) Environmental Performance Index and Pilot Trend Environmental Performance Index, 2012 Release (2000 – 2010) agriculture: 2
climate: 3
conservation: 2
governance: 3
health: 2
marine-and-coastal: 2
sustainability: 1
water: 2
epi epi-pilot-environmental-performance-index-2006 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) Pilot Environmental Performance Index, 2006 Release (1994 – 2006) climate: 5
conservation: 5
governance: 5
sustainability: 5
esi esi-environmental-sustainability-index-2001 Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) Environmental Sustainability Index, 2001 Release (1980 – 2000) climate: 5
conservation: 5
governance: 5
sustainability: 5
water: 5
esi esi-environmental-sustainability-index-2002 Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) Environmental Sustainability Index, 2002 Release (1980 – 2000) climate: 5
conservation: 5
governance: 5
health: 4
sustainability: 5
water: 5
esi esi-environmental-sustainability-index-2005 Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) Environmental Sustainability Index, 2005 Release (1980 – 2000) climate: 3
conservation: 3
governance: 2
health: 4
sustainability: 2
water: 2
esi esi-pilot-environmental-sustainability-index-2000 Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) Pilot Environmental Sustainability Index, 2000 Release (1978 – 1999) sustainability: 5
water: 5
climate: 5
conservation: 5
governance: 5
ferman-v1 ferman-v1-nitrogen-fertilizer-application Global Agricultural Inputs, v1 Nitrogen Fertilizer Application, v1 (1994 – 2001) agriculture: 1
conservation: 3
land-use: 2
sustainability: 3
ferman-v1 ferman-v1-nitrogen-in-manure-production Global Agricultural Inputs, v1 Nitrogen in Manure Production, v1 (1994 – 2001) agriculture: 1
conservation: 3
land-use: 2
sustainability: 3
ferman-v1 ferman-v1-pest-chemgrids-v1-01 Global Agricultural Inputs, v1 Global Pesticide Grids (PEST-CHEMGRIDS), v1.01 (2015, 2020, 2025) agriculture: 1
health: 2
land-use: 2
sustainability: 2
ferman-v1 ferman-v1-phosphorus-fertilizer-application Global Agricultural Inputs, v1 Phosphorus Fertilizer Application, v1 (1994 – 2001) agriculture: 1
land-use: 2
conservation: 3
sustainability: 3
ferman-v1 ferman-v1-phosphorus-in-manure-production Global Agricultural Inputs, v1 Phosphorus in Manure Production, v1 (1994 – 2001) agriculture: 1
land-use: 2
conservation: 3
sustainability: 3
food food-food-insecurity-hotspots Food Security Food Insecurity Hotspots Data Set, v1 (2009 – 2019) agriculture: 1
climate: 2
governance: 5
hazards: 1
health: 1
poverty: 1
sustainability: 3
food food-twentieth-century-crop-statistics-1900-2017 Food Security Twentieth Century Crop Statistics, v1 (1900 – 2017) agriculture: 1
climate: 3
sustainability: 2
geo-mex geo-mex-mexico-population-db Georeferenced Population of Mexico Population Database of Mexico, v1 (1990) population: 5
geo-mex geo-mex-mexico-raster-based-population-gis Georeferenced Population of Mexico Raster Based GIS Coverage of Mexican Population, v1 (1990) infrastructure: 4
population: 5
geo-mex geo-mex-mexico-states-municipalities-islands-gis Georeferenced Population of Mexico GIS of Mexican States, Municipalities and Islands, v1 (1990) population: 5
geo-mex geo-mex-mexico-urban-place-gis Georeferenced Population of Mexico Urban Place GIS Coverage of Mexico, v1 (1921 – 1990) population: 5
infrastructure: 4
geo-mex geo-mex-mexico-urban-place-time-series-population Georeferenced Population of Mexico Urban Place Time-Series Population of Mexico, v1 (1921 – 1990) population: 5
ghsl ghsl-population-built-up-estimates-degree-urban-smod Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL) Population (POP), Built-Up Estimates (BUILT), and Degree of Urbanization Settlement Model Grid (SMOD), v1 (1975, 1990, 2000, 2014, 2015) population: 1
urban: 1
gpw-v3 gpw-v3-centroids Gridded Population of the World (GPW), v3 Centroids, v3 (1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015) infrastructure: 1
gpw-v3 gpw-v3-coastlines Gridded Population of the World (GPW), v3 Coastlines, v3 (2000) infrastructure: 1
marine-and-coastal: 1
gpw-v3 gpw-v3-land-geographic-unit-area Gridded Population of the World (GPW), v3 Land and Geographic Unit Area Grids, v3 (1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015) infrastructure: 1
gpw-v3 gpw-v3-national-admin-boundaries Gridded Population of the World (GPW), v3 National Administrative Boundaries, v3 (2000) infrastructure: 1
gpw-v3 gpw-v3-national-identifier-grid Gridded Population of the World (GPW), v3 National Identifier Grid, v3 (2000) infrastructure: 1
gpw-v3 gpw-v3-population-count Gridded Population of the World (GPW), v3 Population Count Grid, v3 (1990, 1995, 2000) population: 1
gpw-v3 gpw-v3-population-count-future-estimates Gridded Population of the World (GPW), v3 Population Count Grid Future Estimates, v3 (2005, 2010, 2015) population: 2
gpw-v3 gpw-v3-population-density Gridded Population of the World (GPW), v3 Population Density Grid, v3 (1990, 1995, 2000) population: 1
gpw-v3 gpw-v3-population-density-future-estimates Gridded Population of the World (GPW), v3 Population Density Grid Future Estimates, v3 (2005, 2010, 2015) population: 2
gpw-v3 gpw-v3-subnational-admin-boundaries Gridded Population of the World (GPW), v3 Subnational Administrative Boundaries, v3 (1990, 1995, 2000) infrastructure: 1
gpw-v4 gpw-v4-admin-unit-center-points-population-estimates-rev11 Gridded Population of the World (GPW), v4 Administrative Unit Center Points with Population Estimates, v4.11 (2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2020) population: 1
gpw-v4 gpw-v4-basic-demographic-characteristics-rev11 Gridded Population of the World (GPW), v4 Basic Demographic Characteristics, v4.11 (2010) population: 1
gpw-v4 gpw-v4-data-quality-indicators-rev11 Gridded Population of the World (GPW), v4 Data Quality Indicators, v4.11 (2010) land-use: 3
water: 3
gpw-v4 gpw-v4-land-water-area-rev11 Gridded Population of the World (GPW), v4 Land and Water Area, v4.11 (2010) land-use: 3
water: 3
gpw-v4 gpw-v4-national-identifier-grid-rev11 Gridded Population of the World (GPW), v4 National Identifier Grid, v4.11 (2010) population: 4
gpw-v4 gpw-v4-population-count-adjusted-to-2015-unwpp-country-totals-rev11 Gridded Population of the World (GPW), v4 UN WPP-Adjusted Population Count, v4.11 (2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2020) population: 1
gpw-v4 gpw-v4-population-count-rev11 Gridded Population of the World (GPW), v4 Population Count, v4.11 (2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2020) population: 2
gpw-v4 gpw-v4-population-density-adjusted-to-2015-unwpp-country-totals-rev11 Gridded Population of the World (GPW), v4 UN WPP-Adjusted Population Density, v4.11 (2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2020) population: 1
gpw-v4 gpw-v4-population-density-rev11 Gridded Population of the World (GPW), v4 Population Density, v4.11 (2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2020) population: 2
grand-v1 grand-v1-dams-rev01 Global Reservoir and Dam (GRanD), v1 Dams, v1.01 (2011) water: 1
land-use: 3
poverty: 3
infrastructure: 1
climate: 4
grand-v1 grand-v1-reservoirs-rev01 Global Reservoir and Dam (GRanD), v1 Reservoirs, v1.01 (2011) water: 1
land-use: 3
poverty: 3
climate: 4
infrastructure: 1
groads groads-codata-roads-catalog-v1 Global Roads CODATA Catalog of Roads, v1 (1976 – 2008) conservation: 2
infrastructure: 1
poverty: 2
groads groads-global-roads-open-access-v1 Global Roads Global Roads Open Access Data Set (gROADS), v1 (1980 – 2010) conservation: 3
infrastructure: 1
poverty: 2
urban: 3
health: 3
agriculture: 3
grump-v1 grump-v1-coastlines Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project (GRUMP), v1 Coastlines, v1 (2000) population: 1
sustainability: 3
urban: 1
grump-v1 grump-v1-land-geographic-unit-area Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project (GRUMP), v1 Land and Geographic Unit Area Grids, v1 (2000) population: 1
sustainability: 3
urban: 1
grump-v1 grump-v1-national-admin-boundaries Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project (GRUMP), v1 National Administrative Boundaries, v1 (2000) population: 1
sustainability: 3
urban: 1
grump-v1 grump-v1-national-identifier-grid Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project (GRUMP), v1 National Identifier Grid, v1 (1995, 2000, 2010) population: 1
sustainability: 3
urban: 1
grump-v1 grump-v1-population-count Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project (GRUMP), v1 Population Count Grid, v1 (1990, 1995, 2000) population: 1
sustainability: 3
urban: 1
grump-v1 grump-v1-population-density Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project (GRUMP), v1 Population Density Grid, v1 (1990, 1995, 2000) population: 1
sustainability: 3
urban: 1
grump-v1 grump-v1-settlement-points Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project (GRUMP), v1 Settlement Points, v1 (1990, 1995, 2000) population: 1
sustainability: 3
urban: 1
grump-v1 grump-v1-settlement-points-rev01 Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project (GRUMP), v1 Settlement Points, v1.01 (1990, 1995, 2000) population: 1
sustainability: 3
urban: 1
grump-v1 grump-v1-urban-ext-polygons-rev02 Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project (GRUMP), v1 Urban Extent Polygons, v1.02 (1995) population: 1
sustainability: 3
urban: 1
grump-v1 grump-v1-urban-extents Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project (GRUMP), v1 Urban Extents Grid, v1 (1995) population: 1
sustainability: 3
urban: 1
hanpp hanpp-by-country-and-product Human Appropriation of Net Primary Productivity (HANPP) HANPP by Country and Product, v1 (1995) agriculture: 3
conservation: 2
sustainability: 2
hanpp hanpp-human-appropriation-net-primary-productivity Human Appropriation of Net Primary Productivity (HANPP) Global Patterns of HANPP, v1 (1995) agriculture: 3
conservation: 2
sustainability: 2
hanpp hanpp-net-primary-productivity Human Appropriation of Net Primary Productivity (HANPP) Global Patterns in Net Primary Productivity, v1 (1995) conservation: 2
agriculture: 3
sustainability: 2
remote-sensing: 3
hanpp hanpp-percentage-net-primary-productivity Human Appropriation of Net Primary Productivity (HANPP) HANPP as a Percentage of Net Primary Productivity, v1 (1995) agriculture: 3
conservation: 2
remote-sensing: 4
sustainability: 1
haso2 haso2-anthro-sulfur-dioxide-emissions-1850-2005-v2-86 Historical Anthropogenic Sulfur Dioxide Emissions National and Regional Data Set by Source Category, v2.86 (1850 – 2005) climate: 1
icwq icwq-ancillary-data Indicators of Coastal Water Quality Ancillary Data, v1 (1998 – 2007) conservation: 2
health: 4
remote-sensing: 1
water: 1
icwq icwq-annual-chlorophyll-a-concentration-1998-2007 Indicators of Coastal Water Quality Annual Chlorophyll-a Concentration, v1 (1998 – 2007) conservation: 2
health: 4
marine-and-coastal: 1
remote-sensing: 1
sustainability: 1
icwq icwq-change-in-chlorophyll-a-concentration-1998-2007 Indicators of Coastal Water Quality Change in Chlorophyll-a Concentration, v1 (1998 – 2007) conservation: 2
health: 4
marine-and-coastal: 1
remote-sensing: 1
sustainability: 1
india india-india-annual-winter-cropped-area-2001-2016 India Data Collection India Annual Winter Cropped Area, v1 (2001 – 2016) agriculture: 1
land-use: 3
remote-sensing: 2
india india-india-village-level-geospatial-socio-econ-1991-2001 India Data Collection India Village-Level Geospatial Socio-Economic Data Set, v1 (1991, 2001) population: 1
land-use: 3
remote-sensing: 3
india india-spatial-india-census-2011 India Data Collection Spatial Data from the 2011 India Census, v1 (2011) population: 1
ipcc ipcc-ar4-observed-climate-impacts Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) Observed Climate Change Impacts, v1 (1970 – 2014) agriculture: 3
climate: 1
conservation: 2
marine-and-coastal: 3
water: 3
ipcc ipcc-ar5-observed-climate-impacts-v2-01 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) Observed Climate Change Impacts, v2.01 (2007 – 2014) agriculture: 3
climate: 1
conservation: 2
marine-and-coastal: 3
water: 3
ipcc ipcc-emissions-v1-1 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Emissions Scenarios, v1.01 (1990 – 2100) climate: 2
ipcc ipcc-fluor-gases-emissions Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fluor-Gases Emissions, v1 (1990 – 2100) climate: 2
ipcc ipcc-gridded-emissions Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 1x1 Degree Gridded Emissions, v1 (1990 – 2100) climate: 2
ipcc ipcc-inform-gri-2019-v0-3-7 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change INFORM Global Risk Index 2019 Mid Year, v0.3.7, (2019) governance: 1
hazards: 1
sustainability: 1
health: 2
poverty: 2
climate: 2
agriculture: 3
ipcc ipcc-is92-emissions-scenarios-v1-1 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IS92 Emissions Scenarios (A, B, C, D, E, F), v1.01 (1990 – 2100) climate: 2
ipcc ipcc-socio-economic-baseline Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Socio-Economic Baseline Data, v1 (1980, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 2025) climate: 2
ipcc ipcc-synthetic-vulnerability-climate-2005-2050-2100 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Synthetic Assessment of Global Distribution of Vulnerability to Climate Change, v1 (2005, 2050, 2100) climate: 1
governance: 3
sustainability: 3
lecz lecz-delta-urban-rural-population-land-area-estimates-v1 Low Elevation Coastal Zone (LECZ) Delta Urban-Rural Population and Land Area Estimates, v1 (1990, 2000, 2014, 2015) climate: 1
marine-and-coastal: 1
population: 2
sustainability: 2
lecz lecz-slr-impacts-ramsar-wetlands Low Elevation Coastal Zone (LECZ) Sea Level Rise Impacts on Ramsar Wetlands of International Importance, v1 (2000 – 2010) climate: 1
marine-and-coastal: 1
population: 3
sustainability: 2
conservation: 1
water: 2
lecz lecz-urban-rural-population-estimates-v1 Low Elevation Coastal Zone (LECZ) Urban-Rural Population Estimates, v1 (1990, 1995, 2000) climate: 1
marine-and-coastal: 1
population: 2
sustainability: 2
lecz lecz-urban-rural-population-land-area-estimates-v2 Low Elevation Coastal Zone (LECZ) Urban-Rural Population and Land Area Estimates, v2 (1990, 2000, 2010, 2100) climate: 1
marine-and-coastal: 1
population: 2
sustainability: 2
lecz lecz-urban-rural-population-land-area-estimates-v3 Low Elevation Coastal Zone (LECZ) Urban-Rural Population and Land Area Estimates, v3 (1990, 2000, 2015) climate: 1
marine-and-coastal: 1
population: 2
sustainability: 2
lulc lulc-central-american-vegetation-cover-classification Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) Central American Vegetation/Land Cover Classification and Conservation Status, v1 (1992 – 1993) conservation: 2
land-use: 2
remote-sensing: 3
lulc lulc-development-potential-indices Land Use and Land Cover Global Development Potential Indices, v1 (2016) agriculture: 1
conservation: 1
climate: 1
governance: 1
hazards: 1
health: 1
infrastructure: 1
population: 1
poverty: 1
remote-sensing: 1
sustainability: 1
urban: 1
land-use: 1
lulc lulc-development-threat-index Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) Development Threat Index, v1 (2015) agriculture: 2
conservation: 1
hazards: 5
health: 5
infrastructure: 1
land-use: 2
population: 4
remote-sensing: 4
sustainability: 1
urban: 2
lulc lulc-global-grid-prob-urban-expansion-2030 Land Use and Land Cover Global Grid of Probabilities of Urban Expansion to 2030, v1 (2000 – 2030) land-use: 1
urban: 1
population: 3
lulc lulc-global-mangrove-forests-distribution-2000 Land Use and Land Cover Global Mangrove Forests Distribution, v1 (2000) conservation: 1
marine-and-coastal: 1
climate: 3
remote-sensing: 4
sustainability: 4
lulc lulc-human-modification-terrestrial-systems Land Use and Land Cover Global Human Modification of Terrestrial Systems, v1 (2016) agriculture: 1
conservation: 1
climate: 1
governance: 1
hazards: 1
infrastructure: 1
land-use: 1
population: 1
poverty: 1
remote-sensing: 1
sustainability: 1
urban: 1
ma ma-biodiversity Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) MA Biodiversity, v1 (1950 – 2001) conservation: 1
sustainability: 2
land-use: 3
water: 4
ma ma-climate-land-cover Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) MA Climate and Land Cover, v1 (1901 – 2000) climate: 1
land-use: 2
remote-sensing: 3
water: 4
ma ma-ecosystems Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) MA Ecosystems, v1 (2000) marine-and-coastal: 1
water: 1
urban: 2
land-use: 2
agriculture: 3
climate: 4
conservation: 4
sustainability: 5
ma ma-population Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) MA Population, v1 (1990 – 2002) population: 1
health: 1
poverty: 2
ma ma-rapid-land-cover-change Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) MA Rapid Land Cover Change, v1 (1901 – 2015) land-use: 1
agriculture: 2
urban: 3
remote-sensing: 4
ma ma-scenarios Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) MA Scenarios, v1 (1995 – 2100) agriculture: 1
population: 1
water: 1
land-use: 2
nagdc nagdc-population-landscape-climate-estimates-v1 National Aggregates of Geospatial Data Collection (NAGDC) Population, Landscape, And Climate Estimates (PLACE), v1 (1995) climate: 5
population: 5
sustainability: 5
nagdc nagdc-population-landscape-climate-estimates-v2 National Aggregates of Geospatial Data Collection (NAGDC) Population, Landscape, And Climate Estimates (PLACE), v2 (1990, 2000) climate: 3
population: 2
sustainability: 2
nagdc nagdc-population-landscape-climate-estimates-v3 National Aggregates of Geospatial Data Collection (NAGDC) Population, Landscape, And Climate Estimates (PLACE), v3 (1990, 2000, 2010) climate: 3
population: 2
sustainability: 2
nagdc nagdc-population-landscape-climate-estimates-v4 National Aggregates of Geospatial Data Collection (NAGDC) Population, Landscape, And Climate Estimates (PLACE), v4 (2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2020) climate: 3
population: 2
sustainability: 2
ndh ndh-cyclone-hazard-frequency-distribution Natural Disaster Hotspots Global Cyclone Hazard Frequency and Distribution, v1 (1980 – 2000) hazards: 1
sustainability: 4
ndh ndh-cyclone-mortality-risks-distribution Natural Disaster Hotspots Global Cyclone Mortality Risks and Distribution, v1 (2000) hazards: 1
sustainability: 4
ndh ndh-cyclone-proportional-economic-loss-risk-deciles Natural Disaster Hotspots Global Cyclone Proportional Economic Loss Risk Deciles, v1 (2000) hazards: 1
sustainability: 4
ndh ndh-cyclone-total-economic-loss-risk-deciles Natural Disaster Hotspots Global Cyclone Total Economic Loss Risk Deciles, v1 (2000) hazards: 1
sustainability: 4
ndh ndh-drought-hazard-frequency-distribution Natural Disaster Hotspots Global Drought Hazard Frequency and Distribution, v1 (1980 – 2000) hazards: 1
sustainability: 4
water: 2
agriculture: 3
climate: 3
ndh ndh-drought-mortality-risks-distribution Natural Disaster Hotspots Global Drought Mortality Risks and Distribution, v1 (2000) hazards: 1
sustainability: 4
water: 2
agriculture: 3
climate: 3
ndh ndh-drought-proportional-economic-loss-risk-deciles Natural Disaster Hotspots Global Drought Proportional Economic Loss Risk Deciles, v1 (2000) hazards: 1
sustainability: 4
water: 2
agriculture: 3
climate: 3
ndh ndh-drought-total-economic-loss-risk-deciles Natural Disaster Hotspots Global Drought Total Economic Loss Risk Deciles, v1 (2000) hazards: 1
sustainability: 4
water: 2
agriculture: 3
climate: 3
ndh ndh-earthquake-distribution-peak-ground-acceleration Natural Disaster Hotspots Global Earthquake Hazard Distribution - Peak Ground Acceleration, v1 (1976 – 2002) hazards: 1
sustainability: 4
ndh ndh-earthquake-frequency-distribution Natural Disaster Hotspots Global Earthquake Hazard Frequency and Distribution, v1 (1976 – 2002) hazards: 1
sustainability: 4
ndh ndh-earthquake-mortality-risks-distribution Natural Disaster Hotspots Global Earthquake Mortality Risks and Distribution, v1 (2000) hazards: 1
sustainability: 4
ndh ndh-earthquake-proportional-economic-loss-risk-deciles Natural Disaster Hotspots Global Earthquake Proportional Economic Loss Risk Deciles, v1 (2000) hazards: 1
sustainability: 4
ndh ndh-earthquake-total-economic-loss-risk-deciles Natural Disaster Hotspots Global Earthquake Total Economic Loss Risk Deciles, v1 (2000) hazards: 1
sustainability: 4
ndh ndh-flood-hazard-frequency-distribution Natural Disaster Hotspots Global Flood Hazard Frequency and Distribution, v1 (1985 – 2003) hazards: 1
sustainability: 4
water: 2
agriculture: 5
climate: 3
ndh ndh-flood-mortality-risks-distribution Natural Disaster Hotspots Global Flood Mortality Risks and Distribution, v1 (2000) hazards: 1
sustainability: 4
water: 2
agriculture: 5
climate: 3
ndh ndh-flood-proportional-economic-loss-risk-deciles Natural Disaster Hotspots Global Flood Proportional Economic Loss Risk Deciles, v1 (2000) hazards: 1
sustainability: 4
water: 2
agriculture: 5
climate: 3
ndh ndh-flood-total-economic-loss-risk-deciles Natural Disaster Hotspots Global Flood Total Economic Loss Risk Deciles, v1 (2000) hazards: 1
sustainability: 4
water: 2
agriculture: 5
climate: 3
ndh ndh-landslide-hazard-distribution Natural Disaster Hotspots Global Landslide Hazard Distribution, v1 (2000) hazards: 1
sustainability: 4
agriculture: 4
ndh ndh-landslide-mortality-risks-distribution Natural Disaster Hotspots Global Landslide Mortality Risks and Distribution, v1 (2000) hazards: 1
sustainability: 4
agriculture: 4
ndh ndh-landslide-proportional-economic-loss-risk-deciles Natural Disaster Hotspots Global Landslide Proportional Economic Loss Risk Deciles, v1 (2000) hazards: 1
sustainability: 4
agriculture: 4
ndh ndh-landslide-total-economic-loss-risk-deciles Natural Disaster Hotspots Global Landslide Total Economic Loss Risk Deciles, v1 (2000) hazards: 1
sustainability: 4
agriculture: 4
ndh ndh-multihazard-frequency-distribution Natural Disaster Hotspots Global Multihazard Frequency and Distribution, v1 (2000) hazards: 1
sustainability: 4
ndh ndh-multihazard-mortality-risks-distribution Natural Disaster Hotspots Global Multihazard Mortality Risks and Distribution, v1 (2000) hazards: 1
sustainability: 4
ndh ndh-multihazard-proportional-economic-loss-risk-deciles Natural Disaster Hotspots Global Multihazard Proportional Economic Loss Risk Deciles, v1 (2000) hazards: 1
sustainability: 4
ndh ndh-multihazard-total-economic-loss-risk-deciles Natural Disaster Hotspots Global Multihazard Total Economic Loss Risk Deciles, v1 (2000) hazards: 1
sustainability: 4
ndh ndh-volcano-hazard-frequency-distribution Natural Disaster Hotspots Global Volcano Hazard Frequency and Distribution, v1 (1979 – 2000) hazards: 1
sustainability: 4
ndh ndh-volcano-mortality-risks-distribution Natural Disaster Hotspots Global Volcano Mortality Risks and Distribution, v1 (2000) hazards: 1
sustainability: 4
ndh ndh-volcano-proportional-economic-loss-risk-deciles Natural Disaster Hotspots Global Volcano Proportional Economic Loss Risk Deciles, v1 (2000) hazards: 1
sustainability: 4
ndh ndh-volcano-total-economic-loss-risk-deciles Natural Disaster Hotspots Global Volcano Total Economic Loss Risk Deciles, v1 (2000) hazards: 1
sustainability: 4
nrmi nrmi-natural-resource-management-index-2010 Natural Resource Management Index (NRMI) Natural Resource Management Index, 2010 Release (2004 – 2009) conservation: 1
sustainability: 1
nrmi nrmi-natural-resource-management-index-2011 Natural Resource Management Index (NRMI) Natural Resource Management Index, 2011 Release (2006 – 2010) conservation: 1
sustainability: 1
nrmi nrmi-natural-resource-protection-child-health-indicators-2012 Natural Resource Management Index (NRMI) Natural Resource Protection and Child Health Indicators, 2012 Release (2006 – 2011) conservation: 1
sustainability: 1
nrmi nrmi-natural-resource-protection-child-health-indicators-2013 Natural Resource Management Index (NRMI) Natural Resource Protection and Child Health Indicators, 2013 Release (2006 – 2012) conservation: 1
sustainability: 1
nrmi nrmi-natural-resource-protection-child-health-indicators-2014 Natural Resource Management Index (NRMI) Natural Resource Protection and Child Health Indicators, 2014 Release (2006 – 2013) conservation: 1
sustainability: 1
nrmi nrmi-natural-resource-protection-child-health-indicators-2015 Natural Resource Management Index (NRMI) Natural Resource Protection and Child Health Indicators, 2015 Release (2010 – 2014) conservation: 1
sustainability: 1
nrmi nrmi-natural-resource-protection-child-health-indicators-2016 Natural Resource Management Index (NRMI) Natural Resource Protection and Child Health Indicators, 2016 Release (2010 – 2015) conservation: 1
sustainability: 1
nrmi nrmi-natural-resource-protection-child-health-indicators-2017 Natural Resource Management Index (NRMI) Natural Resource Protection and Child Health Indicators, 2017 Release (2010 – 2016) conservation: 1
sustainability: 1
nrmi nrmi-natural-resource-protection-child-health-indicators-2018 Natural Resource Management Index (NRMI) Natural Resource Protection and Child Health Indicators, 2018 Release (2010 – 2017) conservation: 1
sustainability: 1
nrmi nrmi-natural-resource-protection-child-health-indicators-2019 Natural Resource Management Index (NRMI) Natural Resource Protection and Child Health Indicators, 2019 Release (2010 – 2019) conservation: 1
sustainability: 1
nrmi nrmi-natural-resource-protection-child-health-indicators-2020 Natural Resource Management Index (NRMI) Natural Resource Protection and Child Health Indicators, 2020 Release (2010 – 2020) conservation: 1
sustainability: 1
nrmi nrmi-natural-resource-protection-child-health-indicators-2021 Natural Resource Management Index (NRMI) Natural Resource Protection and Child Health Indicators, 2021 Release (2010 – 2021) conservation: 1
sustainability: 1
nrmi nrmi-natural-resource-protection-child-health-indicators-2022 Natural Resource Management Index (NRMI) Natural Resource Protection and Child Health Indicators, 2022 Release (2010 – 2022) conservation: 1
sustainability: 1
nrmi nrmi-natural-resource-protection-child-health-indicators-2023 Natural Resource Management Index (NRMI) Natural Resource Protection and Child Health Indicators, 2023 Release (2010 – 2022) conservation: 1
sustainability: 1
pend pend-gdis-1960-2018 Natural Disasters Geocoded Disasters (GDIS) Dataset, v1 (1960 – 2018) hazards: 1
pend pend-summary-file1-2000-alabama-louisiana-mississippi-texas Natural Disasters U.S. Population Grids (Summary File 1): Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas, alpha (2000) hazards: 4
pend pend-summary-file1-2000-houston-msa Natural Disasters U.S. Population Grids (Summary File 1): Houston Metropolitan Statistical Area, alpha (2000) hazards: 4
urban: 4
pend pend-summary-file1-2000-neworleans-msa Natural Disasters U.S. Population Grids (Summary File 1): New Orleans Metropolitan Statistical Area, alpha (2000) hazards: 4
urban: 4
pend pend-summary-file3-2000-alabama-louisiana-mississippi Natural Disasters U.S. Population Grids (Summary File 3): Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi, alpha (2000) hazards: 4
pend pend-summary-file3-2000-neworleans-msa Natural Disasters U.S. Population Grids (Summary File 3): New Orleans Metropolitan Statistical Area, alpha (2000) health: 4
urban: 4
popdynamics popdynamics-1-8th-pop-base-year-projection-ssp-2000-2100-rev01 Population Dynamics Global One-Eighth Degree Population Base Year and Projection Grids Based on the SSPs, v1.01 (2000 – 2100) population: 1
popdynamics popdynamics-1-km-downscaled-pop-base-year-projection-ssp-2000-2100-rev01 Population Dynamics Global 1-km Downscaled Population Base Year and Projection Grids Based on the SSPs, v1.01 (2000 – 2100) population: 1
popdynamics popdynamics-global-est-net-migration-grids-1970-2000 Population Dynamics Global Estimated Net Migration Grids By Decade, v1 (1970 – 2000) land-use: 2
urban: 2
population: 1
conservation: 2
popdynamics popdynamics-global-pop-count-time-series-estimates Population Dynamics Global Population Count Grid Time Series Estimates, v1 (1970 – 2000) urban: 5
population: 1
popdynamics popdynamics-global-pop-density-time-series-estimates Population Dynamics Global Population Density Grid Time Series Estimates, v1 (1970 – 2000) urban: 5
population: 1
popdynamics popdynamics-lac-pop-1990-2000 Population Dynamics Latin America and the Caribbean Population Time Series, v1 (1990, 2000) population: 1
popdynamics popdynamics-us-county-level-pop-projections-sex-race-age-ssp-2020-2100 Population Dynamics Georeferenced U.S. County-Level Population Projections, Total and by Sex, Race and Age, Based on the SSPs, v1 (2020 – 2100) population: 1
povmap povmap-global-subnational-infant-mortality-rates Poverty Mapping Global Subnational Infant Mortality Rates, v1 (2000) health: 1
poverty: 1
povmap povmap-global-subnational-infant-mortality-rates-v2-01 Poverty Mapping Global Subnational Infant Mortality Rates, v2.01 (2015) health: 1
poverty: 1
povmap povmap-global-subnational-prevalence-child-malnutrition Poverty Mapping Global Subnational Prevalence of Child Malnutrition, v1 (1990 – 2002) agriculture: 3
health: 1
poverty: 1
povmap povmap-grdi-v1 Poverty Mapping Global Gridded Relative Deprivation Index (GRDI), v1 (2010 – 2020) poverty: 1
hazards: 2
sustainability: 3
health: 4
population: 5
climate: 2
povmap povmap-poverty-food-security-case-studies Poverty Mapping Poverty and Food Security Case Studies, v1 (1998 – 2002) agriculture: 2
health: 2
poverty: 1
povmap povmap-small-area-estimates-poverty-inequality Poverty Mapping Small Area Estimates of Poverty and Inequality, v1 (1990 – 2002) health: 2
poverty: 1
povmap povmap-unsatisfied-basic-needs Poverty Mapping Unsatisfied Basic Needs, v1 (1998 – 2001) health: 2
poverty: 1
sdei sdei-annual-pm2-5-concentrations-countries-urban-areas-v1-1998-2016 Satellite-Derived Environmental Indicators Annual PM2.5 Concentrations for Countries and Urban Areas, v1 (1998 – 2016) health: 1
remote-sensing: 1
sustainability: 3
urban: 3
sdei sdei-global-3-year-running-mean-no2-gome-sciamachy-gome2 Satellite-Derived Environmental Indicators Global 3-Year Running Mean Ground-Level NO2 Grids from GOME, SCIAMACHY and GOME-2, v1 (1996 – 2012) health: 1
remote-sensing: 1
sustainability: 3
urban: 3
sdei sdei-global-annual-gwr-pm2-5-modis-misr-seawifs-aod-v4-gl-03 Satellite-Derived Environmental Indicators Global (GL) Annual PM2.5 Grids from MODIS, MISR and SeaWiFS Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD), v4.03 (1998 – 2019) health: 1
remote-sensing: 1
sustainability: 3
urban: 3
sdei sdei-global-annual-gwr-pm2-5-modis-misr-seawifs-viirs-aod-v5-gl-04 Satellite-Derived Environmental Indicators Global (GL) Annual PM2.5 Grids from MODIS, MISR, SeaWiFS and VIIRS Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD), v5.04 (1998 – 2022) health: 1
remote-sensing: 1
sustainability: 3
urban: 3
sdei sdei-global-fire-emissions-indicators-country-level-1997-2015 Satellite-Derived Environmental Indicators Global Fire Emissions Indicators, Country-Level Tabular Data, v1 (1997 – 2015) hazards: 1
health: 2
land-use: 3
remote-sensing: 4
sustainability: 5
sdei sdei-global-fire-emissions-indicators-grids-1997-2015 Satellite-Derived Environmental Indicators Global Fire Emissions Indicators, Grids, v1 (1997 – 2015) hazards: 1
health: 2
land-use: 3
remote-sensing: 4
sustainability: 5
sdei sdei-global-summer-lst-2013 Satellite-Derived Environmental Indicators Global Summer Land Surface Temperature (LST) Grids, v1 (2013) health: 1
remote-sensing: 1
sustainability: 3
urban: 1
climate: 1
infrastructure: 4
land-use: 3
hazards: 3
sdei sdei-global-uhi-2013 Satellite-Derived Environmental Indicators Global Urban Heat Island (UHI) Data Set, v1 (2013) health: 1
remote-sensing: 1
sustainability: 3
urban: 1
climate: 1
land-use: 3
infrastructure: 4
hazards: 3
sdei sdei-high-res-daily-uhe-1983-2016 Satellite-Derived Environmental Indicators Global High Resolution Daily Extreme Urban Heat Exposure (UHE-Daily), v1 (1983 – 2016) health: 1
remote-sensing: 2
sustainability: 3
urban: 1
climate: 1
hazards: 1
population: 2
sdei sdei-high-res-extreme-heat-estimates-1983-2016 Satellite-Derived Environmental Indicators Annual Global High-Resolution Extreme Heat Estimates (GEHE), v1 (1983 – 2016) health: 1
remote-sensing: 2
sustainability: 3
urban: 1
climate: 1
hazards: 1
population: 2
sdei sdei-trends-freshwater-availability-grace Satellite-Derived Environmental Indicators Trends in Global Freshwater Availability from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE), v1 (2002 – 2016) agriculture: 3
climate: 2
water: 1
remote-sensing: 1
sustainability: 2
sdei sdei-viirs-dmsp-dlight Satellite-Derived Environmental Indicators VIIRS Plus DMSP Change in Lights (VIIRS+DMSP dLIGHT), v1 (1992, 2002, 2013) remote-sensing: 1
urban: 1
sdei sdei-yceo-sfc-uhi-v4 Satellite-Derived Environmental Indicators Yale Center for Earth Observation (YCEO) Surface Urban Heat Islands, v4 (2003 – 2018) health: 1
remote-sensing: 1
sustainability: 3
urban: 1
climate: 1
land-use: 3
infrastructure: 4
hazards: 3
sdgi sdgi-11-2-1-urban-access-public-transport-2023 Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (SDGI) SDG Indicator 11.2.1: Urban Access to Public Transport, 2023 Release (2015 – 2022) sustainability: 1
urban: 2
infrastructure: 3
population: 4
sdgi sdgi-11-7-1-urban-public-space-availability-access-2023 Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (SDGI) SDG Indicator 11.7.1: Urban Public Space, Availability and Access, 2023 Release (2015 – 2022) sustainability: 1
urban: 2
land-use: 3
infrastructure: 4
population: 5
sdgi sdgi-7-1-1-access-electricity-2023 Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (SDGI) SDG Indicator 7.1.1: Access to Electricity, 2023 Release (2020 – 2022) sustainability: 1
infrastructure: 2
remote-sensing: 3
population: 4
sdgi sdgi-9-1-1-rai-2023 Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (SDGI) SDG Indicator 9.1.1: The Rural Access Index (RAI), 2023 Release (2015 – 2022) sustainability: 1
infrastructure: 2
population: 3
sdp sdp-downscaled-gdp-a1a2b1b2-1990-2100 Socioeconomic Downscaled Projections Country-Level GDP and Downscaled Projections Based on the SRES A1, A2, B1, and B2 Marker Scenarios, v1 (1990 – 2100) climate: 4
poverty: 4
sdp sdp-downscaled-gdp-grid-b2-1990-2025 Socioeconomic Downscaled Projections Global 15 x 15 Minute Grids of the Downscaled GDP Based on the SRES B2 Scenario, v1 (1990, 2025) climate: 4
poverty: 4
sdp sdp-downscaled-population-a1b1a2-1990-2100 Socioeconomic Downscaled Projections Country-Level Population and Downscaled Projections Based on the SRES A1, B1, and A2 Scenarios, v1 (1990 – 2100) climate: 4
population: 3
sdp sdp-downscaled-population-b2-1990-2100 Socioeconomic Downscaled Projections Country-Level Population and Downscaled Projections Based on the SRES B2 Scenario, v1 (1990 – 2100) climate: 4
population: 3
sdp sdp-downscaled-population-grid-b2-1990-2025 Socioeconomic Downscaled Projections Global 15 x 15 Minute Grids of the Downscaled Population Based on the SRES B2 Scenario, v1 (1990, 2025) climate: 4
population: 4
spatialecon spatialecon-gecon-v4 Spatial Economic Data Global Gridded Geographically Based Economic Data (G-Econ), v4 (1990, 1995, 2000, 2005) poverty: 1
spatialecon spatialecon-lgii-measures-v1 Spatial Economic Data Global Database of Light-based Geospatial Income Inequality (LGII) Measures, v1 (1992 – 2013) poverty: 1
remote-sensing: 1
species species-global-amphibian-richness-2015 Gridded Species Distribution Global Amphibian Richness Grids, 2015 Release (2013) conservation: 1
species species-global-mammal-richness-2015 Gridded Species Distribution Global Mammal Richness Grids, 2015 Release (2013) conservation: 1
ssp ssp-1-8th-urban-land-extent-projection-base-year-ssp-2000-2100 Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) Global One-Eighth Degree Urban Land Extent Projection and Base Year Grids by SSP Scenarios, v1 (2000 – 2100) land-use: 1
sustainability: 2
ssp ssp-1-km-downscaled-urban-land-extent-projection-base-year-ssp-2000-2100 Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) Global 1-km Downscaled Urban Land Extent Projection and Base Year Grids by SSP Scenarios, v1 (2000 – 2100) land-use: 1
sustainability: 2
urban: 1
ssp ssp-ssp-literature-db-v1 Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) SSPs Literature Database, v1 (2014 – 2019) infrastructure: 3
land-use: 3
agriculture: 3
climate: 1
governance: 3
health: 3
hazards: 3
population: 3
poverty: 3
sustainability: 3
urban: 3
water: 3
ssp ssp-sub-global-scenarios-extend-ssp-narratives-literature-db-v1 Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) Sub-global Scenarios that Extend the Global SSP Narratives: Literature Database, v1 (2014 – 2021) infrastructure: 3
land-use: 3
agriculture: 3
climate: 1
governance: 3
health: 3
hazards: 3
population: 3
poverty: 3
sustainability: 3
urban: 3
water: 3
superfund superfund-atsdr-hazardous-waste-site-ciesin-mod-v2 Superfund Site Footprints ATSDR Hazardous Waste Site Polygon Data with CIESIN Modifications, v2 (2010) health: 1
urban: 4
population: 2
hazards: 2
infrastructure: 3
land-use: 3
superfund superfund-atsdr-hazardous-waste-site-v2 Superfund Site Footprints ATSDR Hazardous Waste Site Polygon Data, v2 (2010) health: 1
urban: 4
population: 2
hazards: 2
infrastructure: 3
land-use: 3
superfund superfund-epa-national-priorities-list-ciesin-mod-v2 Superfund Site Footprints U.S. EPA National Priorities List Sites with CIESIN Modifications, v2 (2014) health: 1
population: 2
hazards: 2
infrastructure: 3
urban: 4
land-use: 3
ulandsat ulandsat-cities-from-space Global High Resolution Urban Data from Landsat Urban Landsat: Cities from Space, v1 (1999 – 2003) land-use: 3
remote-sensing: 1
urban: 1
ulandsat ulandsat-gmis-v1 Global High Resolution Urban Data from Landsat Global Man-made Impervious Surface (GMIS) Dataset From Landsat, v1 (2010) urban: 1
remote-sensing: 1
land-use: 2
infrastructure: 3
ulandsat ulandsat-hbase-v1 Global High Resolution Urban Data from Landsat Global Human Built-up And Settlement Extent (HBASE) Dataset From Landsat, v1 (2010) urban: 1
remote-sensing: 1
land-use: 2
infrastructure: 3
urbanspatial urbanspatial-dar-es-salaam-luse Urban Spatial Data Dar es Salaam Land Use and Informal Settlement Data Set, v1 (1982, 1992, 1998, 2002) urban: 1
land-use: 2
poverty: 3
infrastructure: 4
urbanspatial urbanspatial-guppd-v1 Urban Spatial Data Global Urban Polygons and Points Dataset (GUPPD), v1 (1975 – 2030) infrastructure: 2
land-use: 2
population: 1
urban: 1
urbanspatial urbanspatial-hist-urban-pop-3700bc-ad2000 Urban Spatial Data Historical Urban Population, v1 (3700 – 2000) population: 1
urbanspatial urbanspatial-urban-extents-viirs-modis-us-2015 Urban Spatial Data Urban Extents from VIIRS and MODIS for the Continental U.S. Using Machine Learning Methods, v1 (2015) urban: 1
remote-sensing: 1
urbanspatial urbanspatial-urban-land-backscatter-time-series-1993-2020 Urban Spatial Data Global Monthly and Seasonal Urban and Land Backscatter Time Series, v1 (1993 – 2020) remote-sensing: 1
sustainability: 3
urban: 3
usgrid usgrid-summary-file1-1990 U.S. Census Grids Summary File 1, v1 (1990) population: 1
usgrid usgrid-summary-file1-1990-msa U.S. Census Grids Summary File 1: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (1990) population: 1
urban: 1
usgrid usgrid-summary-file1-2000 U.S. Census Grids Summary File 1, v1 (2000) population: 1
usgrid usgrid-summary-file1-2000-msa U.S. Census Grids Summary File 1: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (2000) population: 1
urban: 1
usgrid usgrid-summary-file1-2010 U.S. Census Grids Summary File 1, v1 (2010) population: 1
usgrid usgrid-summary-file3-1990 U.S. Census Grids Summary File 3, v1 (1990) population: 1
usgrid usgrid-summary-file3-1990-msa U.S. Census Grids Summary File 3: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (1990) population: 1
urban: 1
usgrid usgrid-summary-file3-2000 U.S. Census Grids Summary File 3, v1 (2000) population: 1
usgrid usgrid-summary-file3-2000-msa U.S. Census Grids Summary File 3: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (2000) population: 1
urban: 1
usgrid usgrid-us-social-vulnerability-index-rev01 U.S. Census Grids U.S. Social Vulnerability Index Grids, v1.01 (2000, 2010, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020) poverty: 1
hazards: 1
health: 2
marine-and-coastal: 2
climate: 2
population: 2
sustainability: 2
wacvm wacvm-commercial-crop-production-2000 West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping Commercial Crop Production, v1 (2000) agriculture: 3
marine-and-coastal: 2
climate: 3
wacvm wacvm-deforestation-2000-2012 West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping Deforestation, v1 (2000 – 2012) conservation: 2
marine-and-coastal: 2
climate: 3
wacvm wacvm-demographic-health-survey West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping Demographic and Health Survey Data Sets, v1 (1998 – 2013) health: 2
marine-and-coastal: 2
climate: 3
wacvm wacvm-economic-systems-index West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping Economic Systems Index, v1 (2000, 2010) urban: 2
marine-and-coastal: 2
climate: 3
wacvm wacvm-gpw-v4-population-density-pre-release-1-2010 West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping GPWv4 Population Density Preliminary Release, v1 (2010) population: 2
marine-and-coastal: 2
climate: 3
wacvm wacvm-gpw-v4-population-growth-pre-release-1-2000-2010 West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping GPWv4 Population Growth Preliminary Release, v1 (2000 – 2010) population: 2
marine-and-coastal: 2
climate: 3
wacvm wacvm-mangrove-forests-distribution-2000-polygon West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping Mangrove Forests Distribution Polygon, v1 (2000) conservation: 2
marine-and-coastal: 2
climate: 3
wacvm wacvm-point-gridded-fatalities-2008-2013 West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping Point and Gridded Locations of Fatalities, v1 (2008 – 2013) governance: 2
marine-and-coastal: 2
climate: 3
wacvm wacvm-population-projections-2030-2050 West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping Population Projections, v1 (2030, 2050) population: 2
marine-and-coastal: 2
climate: 3
wacvm wacvm-social-vulnerability-indices West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping Social Vulnerability Indices, v1 (1997, 2005, 2008, 2010, 2013) poverty: 2
marine-and-coastal: 2
climate: 3
wacvm wacvm-subset-ace-v2-high-low-resolution West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping Subset of High and Low Resolution Altimeter Corrected Elevations 2 (ACE2), v1 (1994 – 2005) climate: 3
marine-and-coastal: 2
remote-sensing: 2
land-use: 2
wacvm wacvm-subset-dmsp-ols-nighttime-lights-economic-activity-2010 West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping Subset of DMSP-OLS Nighttime Lights for Economic Activity, v1 (2010) remote-sensing: 2
urban: 2
marine-and-coastal: 2
climate: 3
wacvm wacvm-subset-jrc-map-accessibility West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping Subset of JRC Map of Accessibility, v1 (1987 – 2008) infrastructure: 3
urban: 2
marine-and-coastal: 2
climate: 1
wacvm wacvm-subset-mammal-amphibian-richness-grids-2015 West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping Subset of Global Mammal and Amphibian Richness Grids, 2015 Release (2013) conservation: 2
marine-and-coastal: 2
climate: 3
wacvm wacvm-subset-openstreetmap-roads West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping Subset of OpenStreetMap Roads, v1 (2014) infrastructure: 3
urban: 2
marine-and-coastal: 2
climate: 3
wacvm wacvm-subset-subnational-poverty-extreme-prevalence West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping Gridded Subset of Sub-national Poverty and Extreme Poverty Prevalence, v1 (2005) poverty: 3
marine-and-coastal: 2
climate: 3
water water-wsim-gldas-v1 Water Resources Water Security (WSIM-GLDAS) Monthly Grids, v1 (1948 – 2014) water: 1
sustainability: 2
wildareas-v1 wildareas-v1-human-footprint-geographic Last of the Wild, v1 Global Human Footprint (Geographic), v1 (1992 – 1995) conservation: 5
land-use: 5
remote-sensing: 5
sustainability: 5
wildareas-v1 wildareas-v1-human-footprint-ighp Last of the Wild, v1 Global Human Footprint (IGHP), v1 (1992 – 1995) conservation: 5
land-use: 5
remote-sensing: 5
sustainability: 5
wildareas-v1 wildareas-v1-last-of-the-wild-geographic Last of the Wild, v1 Last of the Wild (Geographic), v1 (1992 – 1995) conservation: 5
remote-sensing: 5
sustainability: 5
wildareas-v1 wildareas-v1-last-of-the-wild-ighp Last of the Wild, v1 Last of the Wild (IGHP), v1 (1992 – 1995) conservation: 5
remote-sensing: 5
sustainability: 5
wildareas-v1 wildareas-v1-top-one-percent-wild-areas-geographic Last of the Wild, v1 Top One Percent Wild Areas (Geographic), v1 (1992 – 1995) conservation: 5
remote-sensing: 5
sustainability: 5
wildareas-v1 wildareas-v1-top-one-percent-wild-areas-ighp Last of the Wild, v1 Top One Percent Wild Areas (IGHP), v1 (1992 – 1995) conservation: 5
remote-sensing: 5
sustainability: 5
wildareas-v2 wildareas-v2-human-footprint-geographic Last of the Wild, v2 Global Human Footprint (Geographic), v2 (1995 – 2004) conservation: 1
land-use: 3
remote-sensing: 3
sustainability: 3
wildareas-v2 wildareas-v2-human-footprint-ighp Last of the Wild, v2 Global Human Footprint (IGHP), v2 (1995 – 2004) conservation: 1
land-use: 3
remote-sensing: 3
sustainability: 3
wildareas-v2 wildareas-v2-human-influence-index-geographic Last of the Wild, v2 Global Human Influence Index (Geographic), v2 (1995 – 2004) conservation: 1
land-use: 3
remote-sensing: 3
sustainability: 3
wildareas-v2 wildareas-v2-human-influence-index-ighp Last of the Wild, v2 Global Human Influence Index (IGHP), v2 (1995 – 2004) conservation: 1
land-use: 3
remote-sensing: 3
sustainability: 3
wildareas-v2 wildareas-v2-last-of-the-wild-geographic Last of the Wild, v2 Last of the Wild (Geographic), v2 (1995 – 2004) conservation: 1
remote-sensing: 3
sustainability: 3
land-use: 3
wildareas-v2 wildareas-v2-last-of-the-wild-ighp Last of the Wild, v2 Last of the Wild (IGHP), v2 (1995 – 2004) conservation: 1
remote-sensing: 3
sustainability: 3
land-use: 3
wildareas-v3 wildareas-v3-1993-human-footprint Last of the Wild, v3 Human Footprint, 2018 Release (1993) conservation: 1
wildareas-v3 wildareas-v3-2009-human-footprint Last of the Wild, v3 Human Footprint, 2018 Release (2009) conservation: 1