Country |
Total Pop.
(1000s) 1995 |
Current Pop.
Density (persons/km2)
1995 |
Projected Pop.
Density (persons/km2)
2025 |
Total Urban Pop.
(1000s) 1995 |
Urban Pop. in
Coastal Cities (1000s) 1980 |
GDP per Capita in
Constant PPP ('85IN$) 1992 |
GDP from
Agriculture (%) 1993 |
GDP from Industry
(%) 1993 |
GDP from Services
(%) 1993 |
GDP Annual Growth
Rate (%) 1993 |
Total Land Area
(1000ha) 1993 |
Arable and
Permanent Cropland (1000ha) 1993 |
Permanent Pasture
(1000 ha) 1993 |
Forest and
Woodland (1000 ha) 1993 |
Other Land
(1000ha) 1993 |
Water Resources
per Capita (m3)
1995 |
Domestic Annual
Withdraws (%) 1995 |
Industry Annual
Withdraws (%) 1995 |
Annual Withdraws (%) 1995 |
Irrigated Land
(1000ha) 1993 |
Labor Force (1000s) 1993 |
Total Labor Force
(1000s) 1993 |
Cattle Stocks
(1000s) 1994 |
Sheep Stocks
(1000s) 1994 |
Goat Stocks
(1000s) 1994 |
Pig Stocks
(1000s) 1994 |
Equines (horses
/mules/asses) (1000s) 1994 |
Buffalo Stocks
(1000s) 1994 |
Camel Stocks
(1000s) 1994 |
Total Commercial
Energy Consumption (PJ) 1993 |
Traditional Fuel
Consumption (TJ) 1991 |
Hydroelectric Consumption (PJ) 1993 |
Known Mammal
Species (#) 1990's |
Endemic Mammal
Species (#) 1990's |
Known Bird
Species (#) 1990's |
Endemic Bird
Species (#) 1990's |
Known Plant
Species (#) 1990's |
Endemic Plant
Species (#) 1990's |