James Gibson 7/23/24 An R Script was used to convert the provided .nc files into GeoTIFF format The code snippet can be found below: library(raster) library(rasterVis) library(ncdf4) library(lattice) library(glue) # Convert Single .nc file to GeoTIFF inFile = '/Users/james/Documents/CIESIN/SEDAC/GlobalAnnualPM2.5Grids/Data/Annual_Global_0101/V5GL03.HybridPM25.Global.202101-202112.nc' ncfile = ncdf4::nc_open(inFile) names(ncfile$var) varname = 'GWRPM25' nc2raster = stack(inFile,varname = varname) output = '/Users/james/Documents/CIESIN/SEDAC/GlobalAnnualPM2.5Grids/Data/Geotiff/V5GL03.HybridPM25.Global.202101-202112.tif' writeRaster(nc2raster,output,format = 'GTiff',overwrite = TRUE) The original source of this code can be found here: https://sites.wustl.edu/acag/datasets/surface-pm2-5/ Lijian Han (ljhan@rcees.ac.cn) has prepared an R-based code example that converts the below netCDF files to raster for import into GIS-based programs that lack netCDF support. It can be accessed via this link: [NC to Geotif.txt]. Please contact Lijian if you have further questions.