Population 2000 (NSO-Based Estimate '000) | 4,306 | Population 2000 (UN '000) | 4,654 | |
Area (km2) | 56,406 | Avg. Input Resolution (km) | 10 | |
Number of Administrative Units | 544 | Population Per Administrative Unit ('000) | 8 | |
Number of Urban Extents | 55 | Number of Settlement Points | 121 |
Names |
ISO3-Code | HRV |
Continent | Europe |
Country Name | Croatia |
Administrative Classifications |
Level Used | 2.0 |
Leve1 Type | County |
Level2 Type | Towns and Municipalities |
Number of Units | 544 |
Population Per Unit ('000) (2000, estimate) | 8 |
National Population Estimates |
Last Year of Reference | 2001 |
NSO-Based Estimated Population, 1990 ('000) | 4,180 |
NSO-Based Estimated Population, 1995 ('000) | 4,243 |
NSO-Based Estimated Population, 2000 ('000) | 4,306 |
UN Population, 1990 ('000) | 4,517 |
UN Population, 1995 ('000) | 4,634 |
UN Population, 2000 ('000) | 4,654 |
National Spatial Estimates |
Area (km2) | 56,406 |
Average Input Resolution (km) | 10 |
Settlement Points |
Number of Settlement Points | 121 |
Largest Settlement, by Population (2000, estimate) | 693,214 |
Smallest Settlement, by Population (2000, estimate) | 3,030 |
Mean Settlement, by Population (2000, estimate) | 19,855 |
Urban Areal Extents |
Number of Urban Extents | 55 |
Largest Urban Extent (km2) | 954 |
Smallest Urban Extent (km2) | 9 |
Mean Urban Extent (km2) | 97 |
Total for All Urban Extent (km2) | 5,315 |
Largest Urban Extent (population, 2000) | 942,335 |
Smallest Urban Extent (population, 2000) | 1,646 |
Mean Urban Extent (population, 2000) | 46,635 |
Total for All Urban Extent (population, 2000) | 2,564,921 |
% Total Land Area in Urban Extents (km2) | 9% |
% Total Population in Urban Extents (2000, estimate) | 55% |
% Total Population that is Urban (2001, UN World Urbanization Prospects) | 58% |
Urban Areal Extents, by Source |
Nighttime Lights Data | 81 |
Regression-estimated Extents | 14 |
Digital Chart of the World | 0 |
Other | 0 |
Notes |