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United States Virgin Islands Summary

Population 2000 (NSO-Based Estimate '000) 109   Population 2000 (UN '000) 121
Area (km2) 374   Avg. Input Resolution (km) 3
Number of Administrative Units 32   Population Per Administrative Unit ('000) 3
Number of Urban Extents 3   Number of Settlement Points 8

United States Virgin Islands Details

Continent North America
Country Name United States Virgin Islands
Administrative Classifications
Level Used 2.0
Leve1 Type County (Islands)
Level2 Type Census Tracts
Level3 Type Block Groups
Level4 Type Blocks
Number of Units 32
Population Per Unit ('000) (2000, estimate) 3
National Population Estimates
Last Year of Reference 2000
NSO-Based Estimated Population, 1990 ('000) 94
NSO-Based Estimated Population, 1995 ('000) 101
NSO-Based Estimated Population, 2000 ('000) 109
UN Population, 1990 ('000) 104
UN Population, 1995 ('000) 114
UN Population, 2000 ('000) 121
National Spatial Estimates
Area (km2) 374
Average Input Resolution (km) 3
Settlement Points
Number of Settlement Points 8
Largest Settlement, by Population (2000, estimate) 13,951
Smallest Settlement, by Population (2000, estimate) 1,581
Mean Settlement, by Population (2000, estimate) 5,555
Urban Areal Extents
Number of Urban Extents 3
Largest Urban Extent (km2) 211
Smallest Urban Extent (km2) 47
Mean Urban Extent (km2) 111
Total for All Urban Extent (km2) 334
Largest Urban Extent (population, 2000) 51,750
Smallest Urban Extent (population, 2000) 3,667
Mean Urban Extent (population, 2000) 33,988
Total for All Urban Extent (population, 2000) 101,965
% Total Land Area in Urban Extents (km2) 89%
% Total Population in Urban Extents (2000, estimate) 92%
% Total Population that is Urban (2001, UN World Urbanization Prospects) 47%
Urban Areal Extents, by Source
Nighttime Lights Data 3
Regression-estimated Extents 0
Digital Chart of the World 0
Other 0
Administrative Population Source Data:
US Census Bureau 2000 census data, .
Administrative Boundary Source Data:
US Census Bureau Cartographic Boundary Files, .
Settlement Point Population Source Data:
1990 US Census,
Settlement Point Coordinate Source Data:
1990 US Census
Urban Criteria for Settlements (UN):
Places of 2,500 inhabitants or more and urbanized areas.
Administrative Population Edits and Notes:
County level growth rate between 1990 and 2000 used to extrapolate to target years.
Administrative Spatial Edits and Notes: