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Republic of Moldova Summary

Population 2000 (NSO-Based Estimate '000) 4,304   Population 2000 (UN '000) 4,295
Area (km2) 34,012   Avg. Input Resolution (km) 26
Number of Administrative Units 49   Population Per Administrative Unit ('000) 88
Number of Urban Extents 40   Number of Settlement Points 26

Republic of Moldova Details

Continent Europe
Country Name Republic of Moldova
Administrative Classifications
Level Used 1.0
Leve1 Type Rayon
Number of Units 49
Population Per Unit ('000) (2000, estimate) 88
National Population Estimates
Last Year of Reference 1998
NSO-Based Estimated Population, 1990 ('000) 4,332
NSO-Based Estimated Population, 1995 ('000) 4,313
NSO-Based Estimated Population, 2000 ('000) 4,304
UN Population, 1990 ('000) 4,364
UN Population, 1995 ('000) 4,339
UN Population, 2000 ('000) 4,295
National Spatial Estimates
Area (km2) 34,012
Average Input Resolution (km) 26
Settlement Points
Number of Settlement Points 26
Largest Settlement, by Population (2000, estimate) 652,131
Smallest Settlement, by Population (2000, estimate) 4,228
Mean Settlement, by Population (2000, estimate) 41,009
Urban Areal Extents
Number of Urban Extents 40
Largest Urban Extent (km2) 530
Smallest Urban Extent (km2) 2
Mean Urban Extent (km2) 65
Total for All Urban Extent (km2) 2,616
Largest Urban Extent (population, 2000) 956,834
Smallest Urban Extent (population, 2000) 5,508
Mean Urban Extent (population, 2000) 59,769
Total for All Urban Extent (population, 2000) 2,390,769
% Total Land Area in Urban Extents (km2) 8%
% Total Population in Urban Extents (2000, estimate) 56%
% Total Population that is Urban (2001, UN World Urbanization Prospects) 41%
Urban Areal Extents, by Source
Nighttime Lights Data 44
Regression-estimated Extents 2
Digital Chart of the World 4
Other 0
Administrative Population Source Data:
1989 population from from ACASIAN. 1998 from the UNDP Office in Moldova
Administrative Boundary Source Data:
Australian Centre of the Asian Spatial Information and Analysis Network (ACASIAN).
Settlement Point Population Source Data:
City Population,
Settlement Point Coordinate Source Data:
NIMA, World Gazetteer
Urban Criteria for Settlements (UN):
Cities and urban-type localities, officially designated as such, usually according to criteria based on the number of inhabitants and the predominance of non-agricultural workers and their families.
Administrative Population Edits and Notes:
Population was extrapolated to target years using a growth rate calculated between the 1989 and 1998 population data
Administrative Spatial Edits and Notes: