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Stratospheric Ozone and Human Health Project


Report of the Third Meeting of the Ozone Research Managers


The Netherlands is active in many areas of ozone/UV research and also different Institutes are involved.
The most important Institutes are:

  • Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research Utrecht (IMAU), Utrecht University
  • Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (KNMI), De Bilt
  • Rijks Instituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieuhygiene (RIVM), Bilthoven Since 1995 these three Institutes cooperate in Centre for Climate Research Netherlands
  • Utrecht University, Department of Dermatology
  • Free University Amsterdam
  • Agricultural University Wageningen

    The current and planned activities in the effect studies include

  • Utrecht University, Department of Dermatology focus on effects sunlight, especially UV, on skin
  • studies on the induction of skin cancer, especially quantification of
    - dose-effect relationship
    - action spectrum/wavelength dep. and furthermore
    - predictions of the increase of skin cancer incidence by change in UV.

    Moreover studies are going on the

  • effects of enhanced UV-radiation on aquatic organisms at the Groningen University and the RIVM and the
  • effects of enchanced UV-radiation on terrestrial ecosystems at the Free University of Amsterdam and the Agricultural University Wageningen.

    At the Utrecht University, IMAU, the main activities are:

  • Theoretical ozone research with the help of Global Atmospheric modelling, that is with 3-d chemistry transport models and chemistry climate models.
  • UV-modelling especially the effects of clouds and aerosols.
  • Stratosphere-troposphere exchange and effects of aircraft emissions studied by measuring the composition of the atmospheric near the tropopause with a dedicated airplane.
  • Theoretical and aircraft measurement studies of lower stratospheric ozone in middle and high latitudes.
  • Future satellite activity will be participation in SCIAMACHY measurements.
    Part of the research is funded by the European Union (EU).

    Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (KNMI), De Bilt

    Main fields of work:

  • Ozone/UV observations/monitoring
    - Ozone measurements
        Brewer spectrophotometer, since 1/1/94
        Ozonesonde, launch once a week plus campaign, ECC sondes
    - UV-measurements
        Brewer, spectral, since 1/1/94, monitoring
        OMA spectral instrument, research
        Narrow band apparatus 306,367 nm, monitoring since 1/1/94.
    - Satellite measurements
        TOVS, NOAA satellites
        GOME, ERS-2 Gome validation
  • Future satellite activities
    - SCIAMACHY, Board Envisat,1999
    - Ozone Monitoring Instrument METOP series satellites Eumetsat, 2001-.
    - ESA advise on Earth Explorer Mission, Atmospheric Chemistry focus on
        lower stratosphere/upper troposphere
    - Eumetsat Ozone Satellite Application Facility, together with partners
        from Belgium, Finland France, Denmark, Germany and Greece.
  • Theoretical research
    - Global modelling atmosphere, 3-d chemistry transport model, chemistry climate model
    - Radiative/climate forcing due to ozone changes
    - Process studies, stratosphere-troposphere exchange
    - Effects aircraft emissions on ozone and climate
    - Assimilation ozone satellite data
    - UV-modelling
  • The KNMI research is partially funded by 6 EU-projects.

    Rijks Instituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieuhygiene (RIVM). Bilthoven

    Main activities:

  • Ozone/UV observations
          Tropospheric ozone profile, Lidar, Bilthoven
          Stratosphere-troposphere ozone profile lidar, Lauder, New Zealand, NDSC
  • UV-measurements
          UV-B spectral instrument, monitoring since 1994
          Participant in the EU project SUVDAMA
  • Satellite measurements, participation in the GOME validation campaign
  • Theoretical research
  • Global modelling, scenario studies, source effect chain modelling
  • UV-modelling.

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