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Stratospheric Ozone and Human Health Project


Report of the Third Meeting of the Ozone Research Managers


During the past three years, the Nigerian Meteorological Services Department (NMSD) has undertaken important steps towards active participation in ozone monitoring and research in Nigeria. There are other institutions in the country that are participating in National and International programes relating to the ozone issue.

1. (i) Monitoring and Research
The NMSD ozone monitoring programme started in earnest in April, 1993 with the installation of the Dobson Spectrophotometer for the measurement of Total Column ozone. The station was established within the frame work of the Global ozone Observing System (GO3OS) and it is located at the Meteorological complex at Oshodi in Lagos (Lat.06° 36'N; Long.03° 26'E;). Since inception, total ozone has been consistently measured three times daily and the data have been regularly transmitted to Wolrd Ozone Data Centre in Canada.

Although the period for which Total Ozone data are available in Nigeria is short, a few investigations have been carried out with the data so far generated. For instance, we have taken a look at the diurnal, daily and monthly variations as well as a scientific assessment of Total Ozone over Lagos. The relationships between Total ozone and some Meteorological parameters (Temperature, surface pressure etc.) are being studied to assist us in forecasting ozone values. Also engaging our attention is the construction of a zenith cloud and zenith Blue sky charts and tables.

(ii) Apart from Total ozone monitoring, the NMSD has been operating a Global Atmosphere watch (GAW) station at Oshogbo (Lat.07° 47'N; Long.04° 29'E) since December 1993. The station was set up by the World Meteorological Organisation within its Global Atmosphere watch (GAW) programme. Parameters measured at the GAW Station include: Surface ozone with U.V. photometric ozone Analyser, UV-B radiation, Diffuse radiation, incident radiation, Aerosols, chemical composition of rain waters conventional meteorological variables etc. Arrangements have reached an advanced stage between NMSD and WMO to designate the Obafemi Awolowo University (O.A.U.) in Nigeria the analysis centre for the rain samples.

2. (0) Institutional Research

2. (i) Obafemi Awolowo University (O.A.U) Ile-Ife Pollution
Monitoring Project (Physics Department)

O.A.U. is one of the institutions in Nigeria that are actively involved in ozone Monitoring and Research. Its ozone monitoring project has been in existence since 1989 and it is sponsored by the European Economic Community under Lome iii agreement. The station was once located at the Meteorological Complex at Oshodi in Lagos but it is now located at the premises of the Orthopedic Hospital at Igbobi also in Lagos.

Gases monitored at the station include: Surface ozone, SO2, NOx, NO, NO2, CO and CO2. The station uses the Monochromatic light source and UV absorption technique in the measurement of surface ozone. Values range from 0-10 ppbv and 10-35ppbv at night and in the day respectively.

The other parameters measured are: Dust, Solar Radiation and Conventional Meteorological variables.

An atmospheric ozone model has been developed by the Research Group. It uses the inventory of gasseous emission (e.g. Nox) for the prediction of ozone concentrations in the atmosphere. Gaseous emissions from nearby industries and factories are also being monitored.

2. (ii) University of Lagos, Lagos (Physics Department)
A Ph.D student in physics department carried out a Research project on ozone. The project was based on optical method with radiation technique within the infrared region of the spectrum.

A polychromatic source (sun) and modified Lambert-Beer Law and Planck's radiation law were used to estimate the total Ozone concentration. The input data consisted of the direct normal solar radiation measured with pyreheliometer and precipitable water measured with volt sunphotometer. Various research projects on ozone are currently going on in the Department.

2. (iii) University of JOS, JOS (Physics Department)
A number of research projects on ozone have been undertaken by postgraduate students in the Department. Atmospheric Ozone models are also being developed to enhance further work on ozone research.

3.0 Public Awareness Programmes
(a) In Nigeria the NMSD is in the fore-front in the awareness Campaigns of the implications of a depleted ozone layer. In this connection, there has been a concerted effort by the Department through press releases and seminars to regularly keep the general public informed of the state of Total Ozone over our environment

(b) The Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA) of Nigeria had once organised a seminar on substances that deplete the Ozone layer as part of the national efforts to keep the public aware of the consequences of a depleted stratospheric ozone.

Planned Research Activities
The priority of the NMSD for now is to undertake studies that will lead to the understanding of ozone in the lower stratosphere over the equatorial tropical belt. This will involve intensive and systematic measurements of Total, surface and vertical distribution of ozone. In this regard, it would be appreciated if support is given in the following areas:

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