Food Security
To provide gridded data that identify the level of intensity and frequency of food insecurity over the 10 years between 2009 and 2019, as well as hotspot areas that have experienced consecutive food insecurity events, based on FEWS NET Food Security Data.
Urban Spatial Data
To provide urban land use and informal settlements for the years 1982, 1992, 1998, and 2002 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Global Roads
To provide an open access, well documented global data set of roads between settlements using a consistent data model (UNSDI-T v.2) which is, to the extent possible, topologically integrated.
Global Reservoir and Dam (GRanD), v1
To provide a geographically explicit and reliable database of dams for the scientific community.
Global Reservoir and Dam (GRanD), v1
To provide a geographically explicit and reliable database of reservoirs for the scientific community.
Poverty Mapping
To provide high spatial resolution subnational estimates of unsatisfied basic needs for use by a wide community for interdisciplinary studies of poverty, inequality and the environment.
Poverty Mapping
To provide high spatial resolution subnational estimates of poverty and inequality for use by a wide user community for interdisciplinary studies of poverty, inequality and the environment.
Poverty Mapping
To provide a global subnational map of the prevalence of underweight children that can be used by a wide user community in interdisciplinary studies of health, poverty and the environment.
Poverty Mapping
To provide high spatial resolution subnational estimates of poverty and food security for use by a wide community for interdisciplinary studies of poverty, food security and the environment.
Poverty Mapping
To provide a global subnational map of infant mortality rate estimates that can be used by a wide user community in interdisciplinary studies of health, poverty and the environment.