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Thematic Guide to Integrated Assessment Modeling
The Energy Modeling Forum at Stanford University
The Energy Modeling Forum (EMF) was established in 1976 at Stanford University to provide a forum for energy researchers to collaborate on the study of specific energy issues. Historically, EMF has focused on comparisons of analytical methods and models developed for the purpose of energy planning and policy analysis. Once a topic of study has been selected, EMF recruits experts from government, industry, universities, and other research organizations to serve on the study's working group, and provides a framework for comparison of the various modeling approaches. Summary results from the working group are published and distributed to a diverse audience of policy makers, industry leaders, and other researchers. Funding for the EMF is provided by participating organizations, typically from the private sector.Past studies facilitated by EMF include:
- Energy and the Economy
- Coal in Transition: 1980-2000
- Electric Load Forecasting: Probing the Issues with Models
- Aggregate Elasticity of Energy Demand
- U.S. Oil and Gas Supply
- World Oil
- Macroeconornic Impacts of Energy Shocks
- Industrial Energy Demand
- North American Natural Gas Markets
- Electricity Markets and Planning
- International Oil Supplies and Demands
- Global Climate Change: Energy Sector Impacts of Greenhouse Gas Emission Control Strategies
- Energy Conservation
In June 1994, EMF initiated a study on integrated assessment modeling for global climate change known as EMF-14. This study, which involves controlled comparison of models, includes most of the models discussed in this guide. The working group prepares a set of standardized scenarios and participants conduct model runs using standardized assumptions and scenarios, and producing consistent outputs. EMF participation facilitates a high level of exchange of information among modeling groups. Results of the EMF-14 study are expected to be published in 1996.
The next section is The Global Change Institute.