Archive of Census Related Products (ACRP)
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- Recommended Citation(s)*:
Center for International Earth Science Information Network - CIESIN. 1996. Archive of Census Related Products (ACRP): 1992 Boundary Files. Palisades, New York: NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC). Accessed DAY MONTH YEAR.
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The boundary files contain census geographic entities extracted from the TIGER/Line Files, 1992. These data have been processed to create the following:
- State boundary files for county, county subdivision (mcd), place, 1990 tract/block numbering area, blockgroup, and 1980 tract and mcd's (where available). The tract and blockgroup files are grouped by MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area) and CMSA (Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area).
- County boundary files for all census blocks. Each census block is identified by a unique POLygon IDentification (POLID) field which matches the POLID in the STF data.
directory path: /pub/census/usa/tiger/xx (where xx represents the state postal codes).
directory path: /pub/census/usa/tiger/xx/bnablk (where xx represents the state postal codes).
Example data for the state of Massachusetts:
-70.023632, 41.788184 -70.023462, 41.788020
-70.023533, 41.788223
-70.023632, 41.788184 "250010000.00099B","099B","250010000.00099B","blk",93
-70.603506, 41.511693 -70.592881, 41.511135 -70.560285, 41.509219Spatial Coverage
United States
Boundary ASCII Format (BNA); The BNA file format can be directly imported into ATLAS GIS (SMI). It can also be converted for other desktop packages, like MAPINFO, ARC/INFO, SAS, etc.
Several format conversion programs (code) reside in /pub/census/.support/. These include:
- - converts SAS Gmap dataset to Atlas BNA format
- - converts BNA files to SAS Gmap format
- bna2mif.c - converts BNA files to MapInfo format
- - converts county code to metro code
- - converts SAS dataset to sequential file in delimited format
- latlonm - converts x-y coordinates from latitude, longitude to miles
- mlatlon - converts x-y coordinates from miles to latitude, longitude