Data Collections (51)
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Air Quality Data for Health-Related ApplicationsA collection of air quality data that can be used for health-related research and applications. |
Anthropogenic BiomesDescribes 21 global anthropogenic biomes based on population density, land use, and vegetation cover, grouped into six categories-dense settlements, villages, croplands, rangeland, forested, and wildlands. |
Archive of Census Related Products (ACRP)A collection of value-added georeferenced data files derived from the 1990 U.S. Census, spanning the United States and its territories. |
China DimensionsA wide range of data from circa 1990, including administrative boundaries, population and agricultural census data, and other statistics, covering the administrative regions of China. |
Climate Effects on Food SupplyAssessments of potential climate change impacts of temperature and precipitation on global staple crop production (wheat, rice, and maize), with a focus on quantitative estimates of yield changes based on multiple climate scenarios. |
Climate MigrationA collection of population and climate migration projections developed for the World Bank's Groundswell report series. |
Climate Risk and VulnerabilityData assessing U.S. vulnerable communities. |
Compendium of Environmental Sustainability IndicatorsA compilation of sustainability indicators from multiple sources incorporating multiple country codes. Methodological summaries are contained in an accompanying metadata database. |
Digital Elevation Data Collection (DEDC)This collection currently contains the Altimeter Corrected Elevations, Version 2 (ACE2), the Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM) data in four spatial resolutions (3, 9 and 30 arc-seconds, and 5 arc-minutes). |
Energy InfrastructureData on the locations and status of nuclear power facilities along with estimates of the population residing near locations with at least one operating reactor. |
Environmental Performance Index (EPI)Released every two years since 2006, the EPI groups performance indicators into two policy categories, environmental health and ecosystem vitality, in order to gauge how close countries are to reaching established environmental policy goals. |
Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI)Released four times between 2000 and 2005, and based on a compilation of indicators derived from underlying data sets, the ESI measures overall progress towards environmental sustainability for 146 countries. |
Food SecurityConsists of a gridded data set of the intensity and frequency of food insecurity over the ten years between 2009 and 2019 and a crop yield data set that spans the twentieth century for many of the world's major bread baskets. |
Georeferenced Population Data sets of MexicoAdministrative boundaries, settlement locations and populations, and gridded population data for Mexico circa 1990. Includes place names, geographic coordinates of more than 30,000 urban and metropolitan places, and elevation data for more than 700 urban areas. |
Global Agricultural Inputs, v1Global gridded data sets of agricultural inputs including pesticides, and fertilizer application and manure production rates for both nitrogen and phosphorus. |
Global Agricultural LandsCombines satellite data with agricultural inventory data to estimate the proportion of land area in cropland and pasture for the year 2000. |
Global High Resolution Urban Data from LandsatThis collection contains high spatial resolution (30m-250m) data sets of the urban fabric (e.g. urban and settlement extent, imperviousness and form) across the globe, derived from imagery from the Landsat series of satellites. |
Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL)A collection of built-up estimates, population counts, and settlement classifications over time. Data are provided in formats and packages to enable broad usage across data communities. The Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL) is a primary data product of the European Commission Joint Research Center (JRC). Population layers co-authored by SEDAC. |
Global Reservoir and Dam (GRanD), v1A spatial database of 6,862 reservoirs, represented as polygons, and their associated dams, represented as points. Multiple attributes, such as reservoir area, primary use, nearest city, etc. are included in the shape files. |
Global RoadsIncludes the public-domain Global Roads Open Access Data Set (gROADS) and a catalog of available country-level roads data. |
Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project (GRUMP), v1Building on the Gridded Population of the World data collection, GRUMPv1 comprises three data products: a global point database of human settlements (cities and towns of 5,000 persons or more), an urban extent mask, and a 30 arc-second (~1 km) population grid. |
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