A brief guide providing: (1) a list of links to web-based tools that facilitate the integration of remote sensing and socioeconomic data; and (2) an introduction to two NASA-developed tools, Giovanni and AppEEARS, that aid the integration of remote sensing-derived data into social science research.
Resources » Remote Sensing
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Urban Remote Sensing Resources
A compilation of SEDAC-sponsored and other publications and reports focusing on remote sensing applications in urban areas, as well as providing links to useful resources.
Remote Sensing and Environmental Treaties: Building More Effective Linkages
Reports, publications, and information related to the Remote Sensing and Environmental Treaties: Building More Effective Linkages workshop held December 2000 at the Woodrow Wilson International Center in Washington, D.C.
Remote Sensing Technologies for Ecosystem Management Treaties
A project focused on the utilization of satellite remote sensing data to improve the effectiveness of ecosystem-oriented multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs), with a focused case study on a Ramsar Wetland and Man and Biosphere Reserve that straddles the Brazil-Uruguay border.
Urban Landsat
The Urban Landsat collection contains images for 66 urban areas and the raw, underlying data for 28 of these places. Each image shows a Landsat false color composite in UTM projection. The R/G/B layers correspond to TM/ETM+ bands 7/4/2. Each pixel is 30x30 meters in area and most images are 30x30 km in area.
Sea Level Rise Impacts on Ramsar Wetlands of International Importance
Sea Level Rise Impacts on Ramsar Wetlands of International Importance, v1 data provides a preliminary assessment, with input from NASA Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data of coastal Ramsar Sites at risk of inundation as a consequence of sea level rise. Included in the documentation are links to six case studies that were developed in 2002 as part of our since-retired Ramsar Wetlands Data Gateway.