Compendium of Environmental Sustainability Indicators
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Data Sources
2006 EPI
Esty, Daniel C., Marc A. Levy, Tanja Srebotnjak, Alexander de Sherbinin, Christine H. Kim, and Bridget Anderson (2006). Pilot 2006 Environmental Performance Index. New Haven: Yale Center for Environmental Law & Policy.
2005 ESI
Esty, Daniel C., Marc Levy, Tanja Srebotnjak, and Alexander de Sherbinin (2005). 2005 Environmental Sustainability Index: Benchmarking National Environmental Stewardship. New Haven: Yale Center for Environmental Law & Policy.
2004 EVI
Kaly, Ursula L., Craig R. Pratt and Jonathan Mitchell (2004). The Demonstration Environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI) 2004. SOPAC Technical Report 384.
Rio to Joburg Dashboard
O'Connor, John and Jochen Jesinghaus (2002). Data from the Rio to Johannesburg Dashboard of Sustainability. Software tool distributed at the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Wellbeing of Nations
Prescott-Allen, Robert (2001). The Wellbeing of Nations: A Country-by-Country Index of Quality of Life and the Environment. Washington, DC: Island Press.
2006 National Footprint Accounts
Global Footprint Network (2006). National Footprint Accounts, 2006 Edition.
The original data for the Compendium of Environmental Sustainability Indicators were kindly provided by the following sources:
2006 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) and & 2005 Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) - Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy and CIESIN, Columbia University;
2004 Environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI) - Jonathan Mitchell, South Pacific Applied Geosciences Council (SOPAC);
Rio to Johannesburg Dashboard of Sustainability - John O'Connor and Jochen Jesinghaus;
The Wellbeing of Nations - Robert Prescott-Allen and Island Press;
2006 Ecological Footprint - Justin Kitzes and Steven Goldfinger of the GLobal Footprint Network;
Population Data - Thomas Buetner, United Nations Population Division;
GDP Data - World Bank World Development Indicators;
GDP per capita data - CIA World Factbook 2005;
Land area data - Greg Yetman, CIESIN.
The term "country" as utilized in this compendium does not imply, on the part of CIESIN, the Trustees of Columbia University, NASA, or the original data providers any judgment on the legal status of any territory, or any endorsement or acceptance of boundaries.