Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL)
Follow Us: Twitter Follow Us on Facebook YouTube Flickr | Share: Twitter FacebookPopulation (POP), Built-Up Estimates (BUILT), and Degree of Urbanization Settlement Model Grid (SMOD), v1 (1975, 1990, 2000, 2014, 2015)
- Purpose:
- To provide global data on human population, built up area, and degree of urbanization for the years 1975, 1990, 2000, and 2014/2015 in the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84) geographic coordinate system.
- Abstract:
- The Global Human Settlement Layer: Population and Built-Up Estimates, and Degree of Urbanization Settlement Model Grid data set provides gridded data on human population (GHS-POP), built-up area (GHS-BUILT), and degree of urbanization (GHS-SMOD) across four time periods: 1975, 1990, 2000, and 2014 (BUILT) or 2015 (POP, SMOD). GHS-BUILT describes the percent built-up area for each 30 arc-second grid cell (approximately 1 km at the equator) based on Landsat imagery from each of the four time periods. GHS-POP consists of census data from the 2010 round of global census from Gridded Population of the World, Version 4, Revision 10 (GPWv4.10) spatially-allocated within census units based on the percent built-up areas from GHS-BUILT. GHS-SMOD uses GHS-BUILT and GHS-POP in order to develop a standardized classification of degree of urbanization grid. The original data from the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC-EC) has been combined into a single data package in GeoTIFF format and reprojected from Mollweide Equal Area into WGS84 at 9 arc-second and 30 arc-second horizontal resolutions in order to support integration with a variety of global raster data sets.
- Recommended Citation(s)*:
Joint Research Centre - JRC - European Commission, and Center for International Earth Science Information Network - CIESIN - Columbia University. 2021. Global Human Settlement Layer: Population and Built-Up Estimates, and Degree of Urbanization Settlement Model Grid. Palisades, New York: NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC). Accessed DAY MONTH YEAR.
ENW (EndNote & RefWorks)†
RIS (Others)Florczyk A. J., C. Corbane, D. Ehrlich, S. Freire, T. Kemper, L. Maffenini, M. Melchiorri, M. Pesaresi, P. Politis, M. Schiavina, F. Sabo, and L. Zanchetta. 2019. GHSL Data Package 2019, EUR 29788 EN. ISBN 978-92-76-13186-1, JRC 117104. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
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† For EndNote users, please check the Research Note field for issues with importing authors that are organizations when using the ENW file format.
- Available Formats:
- raster, map