Satellite-Derived Environmental Indicators
Follow Us: Twitter Follow Us on Facebook YouTube Flickr | Share: Twitter FacebookGlobal (GL) Annual PM2.5 Grids from MODIS, MISR and SeaWiFS Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD), v4.03 (1998 – 2019 )
- Purpose:
- To provide an annual global surface of concentrations (micrograms per cubic meter) of all composition ground-level fine particulate matter of 2.5 micrometers or smaller (PM2.5) for large-scale health and environmental research.
- Abstract:
- The Global Annual PM2.5 Grids from MODIS, MISR and SeaWiFS Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD), 1998-2019, V4.GL.03 consists of annual concentrations (micrograms per cubic meter) of all composition ground-level fine particulate matter (PM2.5). This data set combines AOD retrievals from multiple satellite algorithms including the NASA MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Collection 6.1 (MODIS C6.1), Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer Version 23 (MISRv23), MODIS Multi-Angle Implementation of Atmospheric Correction Collection 6 (MAIAC C6), and the Sea-Viewing Wide Field-of-View Sensor (SeaWiFS) Deep Blue Version 4. The GEOS-Chem chemical transport model is used to relate this total column measure of aerosol to near-surface PM2.5 concentration. Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) is used with global ground-based measurements from the World Health Organization (WHO) database to predict and adjust for the residual PM2.5 bias per grid cell in the initial satellite-derived values. These estimates are primarily intended to aid in large-scale studies. Gridded data sets are provided at a resolution of 0.01 degrees to allow users to agglomerate data as best meets their particular needs. Data sets are gridded at the finest resolution of the information sources that were incorporated, but do not fully resolve PM2.5 gradients at the gridded resolution due to influence by information sources at coarser resolution. The data are distributed as GeoTIFF files and are in WGS84 projection.
- Recommended Citation(s)*:
Hammer, M. S., A. van Donkelaar, C. Li, A. Lyapustin, A. M. Sayer, N. C. Hsu, R. C. Levy, M. J. Garay, O. V. Kalashnikova, R. A. Kahn, M. Brauer, J. S. Apte, D. K. Henze, L. Zhang, Q. Zhang, B. Ford, J. R. Pierce, and R. V. Martin. 2022. Global Annual PM2.5 Grids from MODIS, MISR and SeaWiFS Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD), 1998-2019, V4.GL.03. Palisades, New York: NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC). Accessed DAY MONTH YEAR.
ENW (EndNote & RefWorks)†
RIS (Others)Hammer, M. S., A. van Donkelaar, C. Li, A. Lyapustin, A. M. Sayer, N. C. Hsu, R. C. Levy, M. J. Garay, O. V. Kalashnikova, R. A. Kahn, M. Brauer, J. S. Apte, D. K. Henze, L. Zhang, Q. Zhang, B. Ford, J. R. Pierce, and R. V. Martin. 2020. Global Estimates and Long-term Trends of Fine Particulate Matter Concentrations (1998-2018). Environmental Science & Technology 54 (13): 7879-7890.
ENW (EndNote & RefWorks)†
RIS (Others)* When authors make use of data they should cite both the data set and the scientific publication, if available. Such a practice gives credit to data set producers and advances principles of transparency and reproducibility. Please visit the data citations page for details. Users who would like to choose to format the citation(s) for this dataset using a myriad of alternate styles can copy the DOI number and paste it into Crosscite's website.
† For EndNote users, please check the Research Note field for issues with importing authors that are organizations when using the ENW file format.
- Available Formats:
- raster, map