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Population Projections, v1 (2030, 2050)

West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping

To provide areas in West Africa that may be particularly exposed to climate stressors owing to future high population growth.

GPWv4 Population Density Preliminary Release, v1 (2010)

West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping

To provide areas in the coastal zone of West Africa that may be particularly exposed to climate stressors owing to high population density.

Demographic and Health Survey Data Sets, v1 (1998 – 2013)

West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping

To provide maternal education levels and poverty in West Africa.

Gridded Subset of Sub-national Poverty and Extreme Poverty Prevalence, v1 (2005)

West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping

To provide poverty levels in the coastal zone of West Africa.

Deforestation, v1 (2000 – 2012)

West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping

To provide areas of forest cover loss in the coastal zone of West Africa.

Subset of DMSP-OLS Nighttime Lights for Economic Activity, v1 (2010)

West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping

To provide a measure of economic activity in the coastal zone of West Africa based on nighttime lights.

Commercial Crop Production, v1 (2000)

West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping

To provide crop production for five higher-value export crops in West Africa to aid in estimating production value.

Economic Systems Index, v1 (2000, 2010)

West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping

To assess relative levels of economic activity in the coastal zone of West Africa.

Point and Gridded Locations of Fatalities, v1 (2008 – 2013)

West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping

To measure human security and sensitivity of populations to climate stressors in the coastal zone of West Africa.

UN WPP-Adjusted Population Density, v4.11 (2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2020)

Gridded Population of the World (GPW), v4

To provide estimates of population density for the years 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, and 2020, based on counts consistent with national censuses and population registers with respect to relative spatial distribution, but adjusted to match United Nations country totals.

Population Density, v4.11 (2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2020)

Gridded Population of the World (GPW), v4

To provide estimates of population density for the years 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, and 2020, based on counts consistent with national censuses and population registers, as raster data to facilitate data integration.

Basic Demographic Characteristics, v4.11 (2010)

Gridded Population of the World (GPW), v4

To provide estimates of population counts by age and sex for the year 2010, consistent with national censuses and population registers, as raster data to facilitate data integration.

Population Count, v4.11 (2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2020)

Gridded Population of the World (GPW), v4

To provide estimates of population count for the years 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, and 2020, consistent with national censuses and population registers, as raster data to facilitate data integration.

Data Quality Indicators, v4.11 (2010)

Gridded Population of the World (GPW), v4

To provide context for the population count and density rasters, and explicit information on the spatial precision of the input boundary data.

National Identifier Grid, v4.11 (2010)

Gridded Population of the World (GPW), v4

To provide a raster representation of nation-states in GPWv4 for use in aggregating population data.

UN WPP-Adjusted Population Count, v4.11 (2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2020)

Gridded Population of the World (GPW), v4

To provide estimates of population count for the years 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, and 2020, consistent with national censuses and population registers with respect to relative spatial distribution, but adjusted to match United Nations country totals.

Land and Water Area, v4.11 (2010)

Gridded Population of the World (GPW), v4

To provide pixel-level land and water surface area estimates.

Global 3-Year Running Mean Ground-Level NO2 Grids from GOME, SCIAMACHY and GOME-2, v1 (1996 – 2012)

Satellite-Derived Environmental Indicators

To provide a continuous surface of NO2 concentrations for health and environmental research.

Global Population Count Grid Time Series Estimates, v1 (1970 – 2000)

Population Dynamics

To provide back-cast population count estimates at 30 arc-second (~1 km) resolution.

Global Population Density Grid Time Series Estimates, v1 (1970 – 2000)

Population Dynamics

To provide back-cast population density estimates at 30 arc-second (~1 km) resolution.

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