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SDG Indicator 7.1.1: Access to Electricity, 2023 Release (2020 – 2022)

Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (SDGI)

To provide national and subnational estimates of SDG indicator 7.1.1, the proportion of the population with access to electricity, produced using global open data.

Country Trends in Major Air Pollutants, v1 (2003 – 2018)

Air Quality Data for Health-Related Applications

To provide a framework of public-health-focused air quality indicators that quantifies country trends in exposure to major air pollutants.

Global Fire Emissions Indicators, Country-Level Tabular Data, v1 (1997 – 2015)

Satellite-Derived Environmental Indicators

To provide data that can be used to calculate trace gas and aerosol emissions due to fires; monitor and assess national efforts to manage emissions.

Change in Chlorophyll-a Concentration, v1 (1998 – 2007)

Indicators of Coastal Water Quality

To provide tabular data on the trends of chlorophyll-a concentration on a pixel by pixel basis for identifying areas with improving, declining, and stable coastal water quality that can provide guidance for decision making in the context of coastal management.