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SDG Indicator 7.1.1: Access to Electricity, 2023 Release (2020 – 2022)

Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (SDGI)

To provide national and subnational estimates of SDG indicator 7.1.1, the proportion of the population with access to electricity, produced using global open data.

Urban Extents Grid, v1 (1995)

Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project (GRUMP), v1

To provide a raster representation of urban areas (or urban mask) for use with GRUMP population grids or other data sets.

Global Human Influence Index (Geographic), v2 (1995 – 2004)

Last of the Wild, v2

To provide an updated map of anthropogenic impacts on the environment in geographic projection which can be used in wildlife conservation planning, natural resource management, and research on human-environment interactions.

Global Human Footprint (Geographic), v2 (1995 – 2004)

Last of the Wild, v2

To provide an updated map of anthropogenic impacts on the environment in geographic projection which can be used in wildlife conservation planning, natural resource management, and research on human-environment interactions.