Poverty Mapping
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The Poverty Mapping Project at CIESIN (The Center for International Earth Science Information Network) at the Earth Institute at Columbia University is funded by the World Bank’s Japan Policy and Human Resource Development (PHRD) Fund. This Project was a partnership between CIESIN, the World Bank, and the Earth Institute at Columbia University and was undertaken in 2004-2005.
Core CIESIN staff involved in the project include (alphabetically): Sonya Ahamed, Bridget Anderson, Deborah Balk, Roberta Balstad, Greg Booma, Melanie Brickman, Robert Chen, Marc Levy, Maria Muñiz, and Adam Storeygard.
Other project partners include: Glenn Deane, SUNY Albany; Glenn Hyman, Center for International Tropical Agriculture; John MacArthur, UN Millennium Project and Columbia Earth Institute; Mark Montgomery, Population Council and SUNY Stonybrook; Andrew Nelson, Joint Research Center (JRC), European Commission; Jeffrey Sachs, Columbia Earth Institute and the UN Millennium Project; Meg Wirth, UN Millennium Project Task Force on Maternal and Child Health; and Stanley Wood, International Food Policy Research Institute. Our World Bank partners include: Shaida Badiee, Makiko Harrison, Peter Lanjouw, Johan Mistiaen and Eric Swanson, among others.
Additional CIESIN staff who contributed to the project include: Makini Byron, Nevila Celo, Marina Chernyak, James Connolly, Alex de Sherbinin, Branko Djapic, Gabriela Fighetti, Janina Franco, Annie Gerard, Andres Gonzalez, Yuri Gorokhovich, Victor Izmaylov, Maura Kak, Brian Kauffman, Jennifer Korth, Amie Lewis, Lisa Lukang, Valentina Mara, Marnie Purciel, Laura Pisoni, Francesca Pozzi, Randy Pullen, Audra Query, Allison Smith, Elisabeth Sydor, Shane Taylor, Cait Thorkelson, and Yunnis Yi.
We would like to thank several people for providing data. At the World Bank, Makiko Harrison and Peter Lanjouw were especially helpful. Additional support came from Caridad Araujo, Piet Buys, Florencia Castro-Leal, Shaohua Chen, Ken Chomitz, Uwe Deichmann, Sebastien Dessus, Tomoki Fujii, Johannes Hoogeveen, Pia Arefeena K. Huq, Oleksiy Ivaschenko, Andy Kotikula, Johan Mistiaen, Berk Ozler, Menno Pradhan, Kaspar Richter, Carlos Sobrado, Changqing Sun, and Quentin Wodon.
Elsewhere, Farah Aziz, Elizabeth Barona, Todd Benson, Gianni Betti, Mary Ann Brueckner, Maria Castro, Yong Cai, Mai Van Cam, Nusha Choudhury, Jose Miguel Duro, Steeve Ebener, Michael Epprecht, Gilberto Gallopín, Percy Grundy, Dulfred Gutierrez, Stephen Haslett, Siemon Hollema, Dong Ba Huong, Jad Isaac, Wilson Jimenez, A. K. M. Kilele, Patti Kristjanson, Russ Kruska, German Lema, Leopoldo Lopez, Charles Machinjili, Nick Minot, Livia Montana, Paul Okwi, Liliana Perez, Wang Pingping, Sophia Saad, Malki Saenz, Donbox Sarker, Ken Simler, Ith Sotha, and Stephen Waddington contributed to the project.