Data Collections (51)
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Gridded Population of the World (GPW), v4SEDAC's flagship data product provides population size and density from the 2010 round of censuses in a gridded format (30 arc-seconds) that is easily combined with earth science data. |
Gridded Population of the World (GPW), v3GPWv3 provides population size and density from the 2000 round of censuses in a gridded format (2.5 arc-minutes) that is easily combined with earth science data. A fourth version of GPW, based on the 2010 round of censuses was released in 2016. |
Gridded Species DistributionContains 30 arc-second (~1 km) resolution richness grids of the distribution of amphibians and mammals globally. |
Historical Anthropogenic Sulfur Dioxide EmissionsAnnual estimates of anthropogenic global and regional sulfur dioxide emissions spanning 1850-2005, using a bottom-up mass balance method, calibrated to country-level inventory data. Emissions by source category (coal, petroleum, biomass combustion, smelting, fuel processing, and other processes) are available for 142 countries and regions. |
Human Appropriation of Net Primary Productivity (HANPP)This global spatial data set describes global patterns of net primary productivity (NPP) and human consumption of NPP; a complementary tabular data set provides total estimated consumption of NPP in the form of food, paper, wood, and fiber by country. |
India Data CollectionA collection of high-resolution georeferenced socioeconomic data and satellite-derived data for India such as administrative boundaries, village/town-level population census, and gridded land cover. |
Indicators of Coastal Water QualityUses chlorophyll-a concentrations from NASA's SeaWiFS to analyze trends from 1998-2007, to help identify near-coastal areas that may need management intervention. |
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)Data sets based on IPCC Assessment Reports and Special Reports include the SRES emissions scenarios, baseline socioeconomic data, observed climate change impacts data, and vulnerability data based on climate change scenarios and national capacities to adapt to climate change. |
Land Use and Land Cover (LULC)A compilation of data sets related to the forms of land, whether natural or influenced by humans, the uses of that land, and to the potential for future changes to the land. |
Last of the Wild, v3The third version of the Last of the Wild collection contains Global Human Footprint data sets for 1993 and 2009, using updated inputs including GPWv3, GRUMPv1, and gROADSv1, as well as an adapted methodology. |
Last of the Wild, v2The second version of Last of the Wild incorporates updated data on global population density, navigable rivers, roads, and more. GRUMP urban extent data is used in place of USGS Urban built-up polygon data and the DCW populated settlements point data used in the previous version. |
Last of the Wild, v1Global data measuring the intensity and extend of human land use and the remaining "wild" places, to aid in conservation policy making. |
Low Elevation Coastal Zone (LECZ)The land area and the total and percentage population, by country, that is located in various low elevation coastal zone bands ranging from 1m to 20m elevation above mean sea level. |
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA)A collection of several groups of data sets that were used in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) to assess conditions and trends in ecosystems. They are grouped into the following categories: Biodiversity, Climate and Land Cover, Ecosystems, Population, Rapid Land Cover Change, and Scenarios. |
National Aggregates of Geospatial Data Collection (NAGDC)Comprised of the Population, Landscape and Climate Estimates (PLACE) data sets that feature country-level measures of population and land area by climate zone, biome, elevation, and coastal proximity. For researchers who find national aggregates more useful than GIS data. |
Natural Disaster HotspotsA collection of global geospatial data of six major natural hazards (earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, floods, drought, and cyclones) and the associated risks of mortality and economic loss from those hazards. |
Natural DisastersThis collection includes a data set of natural disasters by country for 1960-2018 and a separate set of data and maps showing the pre-disaster characteristics of populations most directly affected by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005. |
Natural Resource Management Index (NRMI)A composite of four indicators, updated annually to help assess country eligibility for funding by the U.S. Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC). |
Population DynamicsA collection of population data sets consisting of migration, fertility, and mortality, as well as projections based on scenarios. |
Poverty MappingGlobal spatial data sets of infant mortality and malnutrition, and country data sets with subnational measures of poverty (consumption and basic needs). |
Satellite-Derived Environmental IndicatorsA collection of indicator data sets, derived from satellite-based measurements, that can be used to monitor and assess changes in variables such as air pollution, freshwater availability, fire emissions, urban heat island, nighttime lights, and urban heat exposure. |
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