National Aggregates of Geospatial Data Collection (NAGDC)
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Center for International Earth Science Information Network - CIESIN - Columbia University. 2007. National Aggregates of Geospatial Data Collection: Population, Landscape, And Climate Estimates, Version 2 (PLACE II). Palisades, New York: NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC). Accessed DAY MONTH YEAR.
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The PLACE v2 data consist of geospatially calculated values of population and land area in specific zones of population density, coastal proximity, climate, elevation and biomes. For example, elevation zone classes are used to calculate the land area (sq. km.) of a country where the height above mean sea level is either <5 meters, 5-10 meters, 10-25 meters, 25-50 meters, 50-100 meters, 100-200 meters, 200-400 meters, 400-800 meters, 800-1500 meters, 1500-3000 meters, 3000-5000 meters, and >5000 meters. The same elevation classes are also used to tabulate the population values and percentages within the same country.
PLACE v2 adds a demographic time-series component by providing estimates of a decadal span, for the years 1990 and 2000. Graphical and spatial data examples are included via a map collection to allow a better understanding of the data themselves, the spatial patterns involved, as well as, initially, the dynamics and processes observed within each country and region. Codebooks describing each variable used are provided as are a methodology paper, provided in PDF and ASCII rich-text format.
The data are available for download in Excel (.xls) format here [1.9 MB]. Population and land area values and their associated codebooks are found as individual sheets or tabs within this file.