Satellite-Derived Environmental Indicators
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Rodell, M., J. S. Famiglietti, D. N. Wiese, J. T. Reager, H. K. Beaudoing, F. W. Landerer, and M.-H. Lo. 2019. Trends in Global Freshwater Availability from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE). Palisades, New York: NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC). Accessed DAY MONTH YEAR.
ENW (EndNote & RefWorks)†
RIS (Others)Rodell, M., J. S. Famiglietti, D. N. Wiese, J. T. Reager, H. K. Beaudoing, F. W. Landerer, and M.-H. Lo. 2018. Emerging Trends in Global Freshwater Availability. Nature 557(7707): 651-659.
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† For EndNote users, please check the Research Note field for issues with importing authors that are organizations when using the ENW file format.
GRACE provides data over land and oceans, but the interpretation of GRACE trends data over oceans is more challenging than over land areas. GRACE measures changes in mass, whether it is salt water, freshwater, or the solid earth. Over land the majority of mass change, after removing atmospheric mass changes, is freshwater mass change. To show only trends in terrestrial water availability an ocean mask should be used. SEDAC provides a water bodies mask at 30 minute (approximately 55km) resolution (see, which is the same resolution as the Trends in Global Freshwater Availability from GRACE, v1 data set.
The data in GeoTIFF (.tif) format are available for download here [1.4 MB zip file].