Data Sets » Theme: UrbanRemove Facet
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Urban Extents from VIIRS and MODIS for the Continental U.S. Using Machine Learning Methods, v1 (2015)

Urban Spatial Data

To provide representations of urban areas in the Continental U.S. in the year 2015 to support sustainable urban development planning in accordance with the growth of urban areas.

Subset of OpenStreetMap Roads, v1 (2014)

West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping

To provide roads linking rural production to urban markets in the coastal zone of West Africa that represent an important exposed infrastructure asset.

Subset of JRC Map of Accessibility, v1 (1987 – 2008)

West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping

To provide market accessibility in the coastal zone of West Africa.

Subset of DMSP-OLS Nighttime Lights for Economic Activity, v1 (2010)

West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping

To provide a measure of economic activity in the coastal zone of West Africa based on nighttime lights.

Economic Systems Index, v1 (2000, 2010)

West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping

To assess relative levels of economic activity in the coastal zone of West Africa.

Global 3-Year Running Mean Ground-Level NO2 Grids from GOME, SCIAMACHY and GOME-2, v1 (1996 – 2012)

Satellite-Derived Environmental Indicators

To provide a continuous surface of NO2 concentrations for health and environmental research.

Global Population Count Grid Time Series Estimates, v1 (1970 – 2000)

Population Dynamics

To provide back-cast population count estimates at 30 arc-second (~1 km) resolution.

Global Population Density Grid Time Series Estimates, v1 (1970 – 2000)

Population Dynamics

To provide back-cast population density estimates at 30 arc-second (~1 km) resolution.

Settlement Points, v1.01 (1990, 1995, 2000)

Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project (GRUMP), v1

To provide populated place (point) data with consistent population estimates.

Global Human Built-up And Settlement Extent (HBASE) Dataset From Landsat, v1 (2010)

Global High Resolution Urban Data from Landsat

To provide high spatial resolution estimates of global urban extent derived from global 30m Landsat satellite data for the target year 2010 and a companion dataset to the Global Man-made Impervious Surface (GMIS) dataset.

Global Man-made Impervious Surface (GMIS) Dataset From Landsat, v1 (2010)

Global High Resolution Urban Data from Landsat

To provide high spatial resolution estimates of global man-made imperviousness for the target year 2010, derived from global 30m Landsat satellite data and a companion dataset to the Global Human Built-up And Settlement Extent (HBASE) dataset.

Global Urban Heat Island (UHI) Data Set, v1 (2013)

Satellite-Derived Environmental Indicators

To provide a global data set of average summer daytime maximum/nighttime minimum land surface temperatures (LSTs) for urban extents, as well as the LST difference between the urban area and the buffer.

Global Summer Land Surface Temperature (LST) Grids, v1 (2013)

Satellite-Derived Environmental Indicators

To provide raster representations of global summer daytime maximum and nighttime minimum surface temperature for studies related to human health and climate change.

Global Grid of Probabilities of Urban Expansion to 2030, v1 (2000 – 2030)

Land Use and Land Cover

To assess likely future areas of urban expansion up to the year 2030.

Dar es Salaam Land Use and Informal Settlement Data Set, v1 (1982, 1992, 1998, 2002)

Urban Spatial Data

To provide urban land use and informal settlements for the years 1982, 1992, 1998, and 2002 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Global Estimated Net Migration Grids By Decade, v1 (1970 – 2000)

Population Dynamics

To provide estimates of net-migration (in-migration minus out-migration) per one-kilometer grid cell on a decadal basis for the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s.

ATSDR Hazardous Waste Site Polygon Data with CIESIN Modifications, v2 (2010)

Superfund Site Footprints

To provide an easily accessible, corrected data set of polygons for hazardous waste sites in the United States which can be used to identify nearby populations and assess their potential risk.

U.S. EPA National Priorities List Sites with CIESIN Modifications, v2 (2014)

Superfund Site Footprints

To provide an easily accessible, corrected EPA data set of the geo-referenced locations displayed as points for all the National Priorities List (NPL) Superfund sites in the United States, Puerto Rico, and other territories.

Summary File 3: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (1990)

U.S. Census Grids

To provide gridded demographic data, including characteristics of income, education, and housing, for metropolitan statistical areas at a finer resolution than is available in the 30 arc-second grids used for the United States as a whole.

Summary File 1: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, v1 (1990)

U.S. Census Grids

To provide gridded demographic data, including characteristics of age, race, ethnicity, and housing, for metropolitan statistical areas at a finer resolution than is available in the 30 arc-second grids used for the United States as a whole.

Data Sets » Theme: UrbanRemove Facet
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