Last of the Wild, v2
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NOTE: A newer collection, Last of the Wild, v3, utilizing a different methodology for the years 1993 and 2009, is available.
Human influence is a global driver of ecological processes on the planet, on par with climatic trends, geological forces, and astronomical variations. The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and the Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) at Columbia University have joined together to systematically map and measure the human influence on the Earth’s land surface today. The Last of The Wild, Version Two depicts human influence on terrestrial ecosystems using data sets compiled on or around 2000.
Spatial Resolution and File Format
- Global Data: Available in geographic coordinate system at 30 arc-second grid cell size, and Interrupted Goode Homolosine Projection (IGHP) at 1km grid cell size
- Continental-Level Data: Subsets of the global data, available only in geographic coordinate system
- Format: Grid data available in ArcInfo grids; vector data available in shapefiles
A newer collection, Last of the Wild, v3, utilizing a different methodology for the years 1993 and 2009, is available.