Poverty Mapping
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Center for International Earth Science Information Network - CIESIN - Columbia University. 2005. Poverty Mapping Project: Global Subnational Infant Mortality Rates. Palisades, New York: NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC). https://doi.org/10.7927/H4PZ56R2. Accessed DAY MONTH YEAR.
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Note: Data for the Global Subnational Infant Mortality Rates, Version 2, with data benchmarked to the year 2015, are now available.
The global data sets are all translated to a common quarter-degree grid. A quarter-degree grid cell is approximately 770 square kilometers (300 square miles) at the equator, and progressively less at higher latitudes.
Infant Mortality Rates
[Deaths : Live Births]
- Shapefile (.shp) - Shapefile of infant mortality rate
- Grid (.adf)
- ¼ degree grid of infant mortality rate
- ¼ degree grid of births [denominator]
- ¼ degree grid of deaths [numerator]
- 2.5 minute grid of infant mortality rate
- 2.5 minute grid of births [denominator]
- 2.5 minute grid of deaths [numerator]
- Data Table - Excel (.xls) and Comma-Separated Value (.csv) tables of infant mortality rate at two resolutions:
- Highest resolution that can be matched spatially (same resolution as shapefile)
- Highest resolution available in tabular format (sometimes higher than could be matched spatially)
Ancillary Grid Data
[Country, population, land area, latitude, longitude, and sequence id number for each quarter-degree grid cell]
- Shapefile (.shp) - Quarter-degree grid-cell onlyover 800,000 cases
- Grid (.adf) - All variables at quarter-degree country grid at 2.5 minute resolution also enclosed
- Global Poverty Data Catalog - Excel (.xls) spreadsheet to facilitate use of the global poverty database.