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Coastlines, v3 (2000)

Gridded Population of the World (GPW), v3

To provide a set of coastlines consistent with GPWv3 raster data for cartographic purposes.

Subnational Administrative Boundaries, v3 (1990, 1995, 2000)

Gridded Population of the World (GPW), v3

To provide maps of the input administrative units used in GPWv3.

Population Density Grid Future Estimates, v3 (2005, 2010, 2015)

Gridded Population of the World (GPW), v3

To provide a time series of raster data on population projected to the year 2015 to facilitate data integration.

Population Count Grid Future Estimates, v3 (2005, 2010, 2015)

Gridded Population of the World (GPW), v3

To provide a time series of raster data on population projected to the year 2015 to facilitate data integration.

Population Density Grid, v3 (1990, 1995, 2000)

Gridded Population of the World (GPW), v3

To provide a time series of raster data on population density to facilitate data integration.

Land and Geographic Unit Area Grids, v3 (1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015)

Gridded Population of the World (GPW), v3

To provide a quantitative measure of the input resolution of administrative units used for GPWv3.

Centroids, v3 (1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015)

Gridded Population of the World (GPW), v3

To provide a vector (point) version of the input administrative units used in GPWv3 for use in data integration.

Environmental Sustainability Index, 2005 Release (1980 – 2000)

Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI)

To create a comparative index of national-level environmental sustainability and to provide a mechanism for making environmental management more quantitative, empirically grounded and systematic.

U.S. Population Grids (Summary File 1): New Orleans Metropolitan Statistical Area, alpha (2000)

Natural Disasters

To provide gridded demographic data, including characteristics of age, race, ethnicity, and housing, for metropolitan statistical areas at a finer resolution than is available in the 30 arc-second grids used for the United States as a whole.

U.S. Population Grids (Summary File 1): Houston Metropolitan Statistical Area, alpha (2000)

Natural Disasters

To provide gridded demographic data, including characteristics of age, race, ethnicity, and housing, for metropolitan statistical areas at a finer resolution than is available in the 30 arc-second grids used for the United States as a whole.

Global 15 x 15 Minute Grids of the Downscaled Population Based on the SRES B2 Scenario, v1 (1990, 2025)

Socioeconomic Downscaled Projections

To provide a gridded data on country-level population and downscaled projections based on the SRES B2 marker scenario.

Global 15 x 15 Minute Grids of the Downscaled GDP Based on the SRES B2 Scenario, v1 (1990, 2025)

Socioeconomic Downscaled Projections

To provide gridded GDP data on country-level downscaled projections based on the SRES B2 marker scenario.

Global Patterns of HANPP, v1 (1995)

Human Appropriation of Net Primary Productivity (HANPP)

To assist in understanding human impacts on the environment, and especially impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services.

Global Patterns in Net Primary Productivity, v1 (1995)

Human Appropriation of Net Primary Productivity (HANPP)

To be utilized in conjunction with a data set of human appropriation of net primary productivity (HANPP) in order to understand global energy flows and localized impacts on the environment.

HANPP as a Percentage of Net Primary Productivity, v1 (1995)

Human Appropriation of Net Primary Productivity (HANPP)

To identify spatial variations in the amount of NPP consumption relative to local production in a way that highlight humanity's growing impact on the biosphere.

Environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI), 2004 Release (1973 – 2003)

Compendium of Environmental Sustainability Indicators

To provide insights into the processes that can negatively influence the sustainable development of countries, with particular reference to vulnerability to natural hazards.

Environmental Sustainability Index, 2002 Release (1980 – 2000)

Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI)

To provide a comparative index of national-level environmental sustainability covering a number of sustainability dimensions.

The Wellbeing of Nations, v1 (1990 – 2000)

Compendium of Environmental Sustainability Indicators

To provide data that address the key issues of sustainability by combining indicators of human wellbeing with those of environmental sustainability to generate a more comprehensive picture of the state of the world.

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