Search » Data Sets (32)
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Global (GL) Annual PM2.5 Grids from MODIS, MISR, SeaWiFS and VIIRS Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD), v5.04 (
SDG Indicator 7.1.1: Access to Electricity, 2023 Release (
Global (GL) Annual PM2.5 Grids from MODIS, MISR and SeaWiFS Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD), v4.03 (
VIIRS Plus DMSP Change in Lights (VIIRS+DMSP dLIGHT), v1 (1992, 2002, 2013)Satellite-Derived Environmental Indicators |
Global Human Modification of Terrestrial Systems, v1 (2016)Land Use and Land Cover |
Global Development Potential Indices, v1 (2016)Land Use and Land Cover |
Development Threat Index, v1 (2015)Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) |
Trends in Global Freshwater Availability from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE), v1 (
Global Fire Emissions Indicators, Grids, v1 (
India Village-Level Geospatial Socio-Economic Data Set, v1 (1991, 2001)India Data CollectionTo provide data that can be used in independent spatial statistical analyses, construction of development-related indices, or in combination with remote sensing data in order to identify spatio-temporal patterns and/or changes in different demographic categories, such as male, female, urban, rural, level of education, etc. |
India Annual Winter Cropped Area, v1 (
Global Human Built-up And Settlement Extent (HBASE) Dataset From Landsat, v1 (2010)Global High Resolution Urban Data from Landsat |
Global Man-made Impervious Surface (GMIS) Dataset From Landsat, v1 (2010)Global High Resolution Urban Data from Landsat |
Global Urban Heat Island (UHI) Data Set, v1 (2013)Satellite-Derived Environmental Indicators |
Global Summer Land Surface Temperature (LST) Grids, v1 (2013)Satellite-Derived Environmental Indicators |
Anthropogenic Biomes of the World, v2 (1700)Anthropogenic BiomesTo provide information on anthropogenic transformation of the biosphere circa 1700 for global land use studies and research on human-environment interactions. |
Anthropogenic Biomes of the World, v2 (1800)Anthropogenic BiomesTo provide information on anthropogenic transformation of the biosphere circa 1800 for global land use studies and research on human-environment interactions. |
Anthropogenic Biomes of the World, v2 (2000)Anthropogenic BiomesTo provide information on anthropogenic transformation of the biosphere circa 2000 for global land use studies and research on human-environment interactions. |
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