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Global (GL) Annual PM2.5 Grids from MODIS, MISR, SeaWiFS and VIIRS Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD), v5.04 (1998 – 2022)

Satellite-Derived Environmental Indicators

To provide annual global surface concentrations (micrograms per cubic meter) of all composition ground-level fine particulate matter less than or equal to 2.5 microns in diameter (PM2.5) for large-scale health and environmental research.

SDG Indicator 7.1.1: Access to Electricity, 2023 Release (2020 – 2022)

Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (SDGI)

To provide national and subnational estimates of SDG indicator 7.1.1, the proportion of the population with access to electricity, produced using global open data.

Global (GL) Annual PM2.5 Grids from MODIS, MISR and SeaWiFS Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD), v4.03 (1998 – 2019)

Satellite-Derived Environmental Indicators

To provide an annual global surface of concentrations (micrograms per cubic meter) of all composition ground-level fine particulate matter of 2.5 micrometers or smaller (PM2.5) for large-scale health and environmental research.

VIIRS Plus DMSP Change in Lights (VIIRS+DMSP dLIGHT), v1 (1992, 2002, 2013)

Satellite-Derived Environmental Indicators

To visualize changes in brightness and extent of global nighttime lights networks over two decades with improved radiometric accuracy and finer spatial resolution.

Global Human Modification of Terrestrial Systems, v1 (2016)

Land Use and Land Cover

To provide a cumulative measure of human modification of terrestrial lands based on modeling the physical extents of 13 anthropogenic stressors and their estimated impacts using spatially-explicit global data sets.

Global Development Potential Indices, v1 (2016)

Land Use and Land Cover

To provide spatially-explicit data that relatively rank global land suitability referred to as Development Potential Indices (DPIs) for 13 sectors related to renewable energy, fossil fuels, mining and agriculture as an aid to conservation priority setting.

Development Threat Index, v1 (2015)

Land Use and Land Cover (LULC)

To provide a future development threat map based on combining these resources: agricultural expansion, urban expansion, conventional oil and gas, unconventional oil and gas, coal, mining, biofuels, solar, and wind.

Trends in Global Freshwater Availability from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE), v1 (2002 – 2016)

Satellite-Derived Environmental Indicators

To provide data on changes in freshwater availability in order to better understand impacts on regional food supplies, human and ecosystem health, energy generation, and social unrest.

Urban Extents from VIIRS and MODIS for the Continental U.S. Using Machine Learning Methods, v1 (2015)

Urban Spatial Data

To provide representations of urban areas in the Continental U.S. in the year 2015 to support sustainable urban development planning in accordance with the growth of urban areas.

Global Fire Emissions Indicators, Grids, v1 (1997 – 2015)

Satellite-Derived Environmental Indicators

To provide data that can be used to calculate trace gas and aerosol emissions, due to fires; monitor and assess national efforts to manage emissions.

India Village-Level Geospatial Socio-Economic Data Set, v1 (1991, 2001)

India Data Collection

To provide data that can be used in independent spatial statistical analyses, construction of development-related indices, or in combination with remote sensing data in order to identify spatio-temporal patterns and/or changes in different demographic categories, such as male, female, urban, rural, level of education, etc.

Global 3-Year Running Mean Ground-Level NO2 Grids from GOME, SCIAMACHY and GOME-2, v1 (1996 – 2012)

Satellite-Derived Environmental Indicators

To provide a continuous surface of NO2 concentrations for health and environmental research.

India Annual Winter Cropped Area, v1 (2001 – 2016)

India Data Collection

To provide data that can be used in land cover and land use change (LCLUC) studies, agricultural applications, and to assist with policy-making in regards to sustainable agricultural intensification.

Global Human Built-up And Settlement Extent (HBASE) Dataset From Landsat, v1 (2010)

Global High Resolution Urban Data from Landsat

To provide high spatial resolution estimates of global urban extent derived from global 30m Landsat satellite data for the target year 2010 and a companion dataset to the Global Man-made Impervious Surface (GMIS) dataset.

Global Man-made Impervious Surface (GMIS) Dataset From Landsat, v1 (2010)

Global High Resolution Urban Data from Landsat

To provide high spatial resolution estimates of global man-made imperviousness for the target year 2010, derived from global 30m Landsat satellite data and a companion dataset to the Global Human Built-up And Settlement Extent (HBASE) dataset.

Global Urban Heat Island (UHI) Data Set, v1 (2013)

Satellite-Derived Environmental Indicators

To provide a global data set of average summer daytime maximum/nighttime minimum land surface temperatures (LSTs) for urban extents, as well as the LST difference between the urban area and the buffer.

Global Summer Land Surface Temperature (LST) Grids, v1 (2013)

Satellite-Derived Environmental Indicators

To provide raster representations of global summer daytime maximum and nighttime minimum surface temperature for studies related to human health and climate change.

Anthropogenic Biomes of the World, v2 (1700)

Anthropogenic Biomes

To provide information on anthropogenic transformation of the biosphere circa 1700 for global land use studies and research on human-environment interactions.

Anthropogenic Biomes of the World, v2 (1800)

Anthropogenic Biomes

To provide information on anthropogenic transformation of the biosphere circa 1800 for global land use studies and research on human-environment interactions.

Anthropogenic Biomes of the World, v2 (2000)

Anthropogenic Biomes

To provide information on anthropogenic transformation of the biosphere circa 2000 for global land use studies and research on human-environment interactions.

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