Environmental Performance Index (EPI)
To provide quantitative metrics for evaluating a country's environmental performance in different policy categories relative to clearly defined targets.
Global Agricultural Inputs, v1
To provide a global gridded data set of commonly-used agricultural pesticides crucial to assess human and ecosystem exposure to potential toxicants for environmental modeling, assessment of agricultural chemical contamination and risk analysis, and other related research at global, regional, national, and local levels.
Land Use and Land Cover
To provide a cumulative measure of human modification of terrestrial lands based on modeling the physical extents of 13 anthropogenic stressors and their estimated impacts using spatially-explicit global data sets.
Land Use and Land Cover
To provide spatially-explicit data that relatively rank global land suitability referred to as Development Potential Indices (DPIs) for 13 sectors related to renewable energy, fossil fuels, mining and agriculture as an aid to conservation priority setting.
Food Security
To provide gridded data that identify the level of intensity and frequency of food insecurity over the 10 years between 2009 and 2019, as well as hotspot areas that have experienced consecutive food insecurity events, based on FEWS NET Food Security Data.
Environmental Performance Index (EPI)
To provide quantitative metrics for evaluating a country's environmental performance in different policy categories relative to clearly defined targets.
Land Use and Land Cover (LULC)
To provide a future development threat map based on combining these resources: agricultural expansion, urban expansion, conventional oil and gas, unconventional oil and gas, coal, mining, biofuels, solar, and wind.
Satellite-Derived Environmental Indicators
To provide data on changes in freshwater availability in order to better understand impacts on regional food supplies, human and ecosystem health, energy generation, and social unrest.
Environmental Performance Index (EPI)
To provide quantitative metrics for evaluating a country's environmental performance in different policy categories relative to clearly defined targets.
India Data Collection
To provide data that can be used in land cover and land use change (LCLUC) studies, agricultural applications, and to assist with policy-making in regards to sustainable agricultural intensification.
Environmental Performance Index (EPI)
To provide quantitative metrics for evaluating a country's environmental performance in different policy categories relative to clearly defined targets.
Environmental Performance Index (EPI)
To provide quantitative metrics for evaluating a country's environmental performance in different policy categories relative to clearly defined targets.
Global Agricultural Inputs, v1
To provide phosphorus in manure production data that can be used in socioeconomic and ecological modeling and to explore anthropogenic activities on ecosystems.
Global Agricultural Inputs, v1
To provide phosphorus fertilizer application data that can be used in socioeconomic and ecological modeling and to explore anthropogenic activities on ecosystems.
Global Agricultural Inputs, v1
To provide nitrogen fertilizer application data that can be used in socioeconomic and ecological modeling and to explore anthropogenic activities on ecosystems.
Global Agricultural Inputs, v1
To provide nitrogen in manure production data that can be used in socioeconomic and ecological modeling and to explore anthropogenic activities on ecosystems.
Environmental Performance Index (EPI)
To provide quantitative metrics for evaluating a country's environmental performance in different policy categories relative to clearly defined targets.
Global Agricultural Lands
To provide data on the extent of croplands for research on human-environment interactions.
Global Agricultural Lands
To provide data on the extent of pasturelands for research on human-environment interactions.
Environmental Performance Index (EPI)
To provide quantitative metrics for evaluating a country's environmental performance in different policy categories relative to clearly defined targets.