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Natural Resource Protection and Child Health Indicators, 2019 Release (2010 – 2019)

Natural Resource Management Index (NRMI)

To assist in the country selection process for the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) by providing indicators of natural resource protection and child health that complement the governance, social, and economic indicators used by MCC as country selection criteria.

Global Fire Emissions Indicators, Grids, v1 (1997 – 2015)

Satellite-Derived Environmental Indicators

To provide data that can be used to calculate trace gas and aerosol emissions, due to fires; monitor and assess national efforts to manage emissions.

Human Footprint, 2018 Release (2009)

Last of the Wild, v3

To provide a map of cumulative human pressure on the environment in 2009.

Human Footprint, 2018 Release (1993)

Last of the Wild, v3

To provide a map of cumulative human pressure on the environment in 1993.

Subset of OpenStreetMap Roads, v1 (2014)

West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping

To provide roads linking rural production to urban markets in the coastal zone of West Africa that represent an important exposed infrastructure asset.

Subset of Global Mammal and Amphibian Richness Grids, 2015 Release (2013)

West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping

To provide areas of higher richness of threatened species which may be at risk from climate stressors in the coastal zone of West Africa.

Subset of High and Low Resolution Altimeter Corrected Elevations 2 (ACE2), v1 (1994 – 2005)

West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping

To provide high and low resolution elevation in forested ecosystems in the coastal zone of West Africa.

Social Vulnerability Indices, v1 (1997, 2005, 2008, 2010, 2013)

West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping

To provide a measure of social vulnerability and "defenselessness" in the face of climate stressors in the coastal zone of West Africa.

Subset of JRC Map of Accessibility, v1 (1987 – 2008)

West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping

To provide market accessibility in the coastal zone of West Africa.

Mangrove Forests Distribution Polygon, v1 (2000)

West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping

To provide mangrove forests in the coastal zone of West Africa that may be exposed to the threats of sea level rise and storm surge.

GPWv4 Population Growth Preliminary Release, v1 (2000 – 2010)

West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping

To provide areas in the coastal zone of West Africa that may be particularly exposed to climate stressors owing to high population growth rates.

Population Projections, v1 (2030, 2050)

West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping

To provide areas in West Africa that may be particularly exposed to climate stressors owing to future high population growth.

GPWv4 Population Density Preliminary Release, v1 (2010)

West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping

To provide areas in the coastal zone of West Africa that may be particularly exposed to climate stressors owing to high population density.

Demographic and Health Survey Data Sets, v1 (1998 – 2013)

West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping

To provide maternal education levels and poverty in West Africa.

Gridded Subset of Sub-national Poverty and Extreme Poverty Prevalence, v1 (2005)

West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping

To provide poverty levels in the coastal zone of West Africa.

Deforestation, v1 (2000 – 2012)

West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping

To provide areas of forest cover loss in the coastal zone of West Africa.

Subset of DMSP-OLS Nighttime Lights for Economic Activity, v1 (2010)

West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping

To provide a measure of economic activity in the coastal zone of West Africa based on nighttime lights.

Commercial Crop Production, v1 (2000)

West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping

To provide crop production for five higher-value export crops in West Africa to aid in estimating production value.

Economic Systems Index, v1 (2000, 2010)

West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping

To assess relative levels of economic activity in the coastal zone of West Africa.

Point and Gridded Locations of Fatalities, v1 (2008 – 2013)

West Africa Coastal Vulnerability Mapping

To measure human security and sensitivity of populations to climate stressors in the coastal zone of West Africa.

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